A 3rd party LunarClient Launcher
- Full open source (GPLv3)
- No electron
- No installation needed
- Ready out of the box
- External browser login support (In working)
- Cross-platform (You might need to complete natives)
- Custom API address (LunarCN API only)
- Multi version, one jre
- Javaagent support (Experimental)
- LunarCN support (In working)
- Weave support (In working)
Download at releases
There might some ads in the Launcher, but you are allowed to turn them off (permanent)
Donate at lunarclient.top (CNY only/仅支持中国元)
All languages except Chinese are translated via Google Translate. If there are any translation errors, please submit a PR or issue (English)
Celestial license under GPLv3
You're allowed
- use
- share
- modify