Desktop App Using Vue and Python (webview) This project combines the power of Vue.js for frontend development and Python for backend functionality, wrapped in a webview to create a desktop application. Below are the steps to set up and run the application.
Backend Setup Navigate to the backend directory: cd backend Ensure you have Python 3.11.3 installed.
Windows Activate the virtual environment:
macOS/Linux Activate the virtual environment:
source env/bin/activate
Install the required Python packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the backend server:
Frontend Setup Navigate to the frontend directory:
cd frontend
Install the required npm packages:
npm install
Development To run the frontend in development mode:
npm run dev
Production To build the frontend for production:
npm run build
After building, make the following changes:
Rename indexxxxxxxxxxxxxx.css to index.css and move it to backend/static/assets/. Rename indexxxxxxxxxxxxxx.js to index.js and move it to backend/static/assets/. Running the Application After completing both backend and frontend setup, you can run the desktop application by starting the backend server and opening the webview interface.
Enjoy your Vue.js and Python powered desktop application!