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Bulk messages for Whatsapp web. Similar behaviour of sending a message to a broadcast list.

  • Works on Ubuntu 20.04 on the 21/06/2023
  • Works on Ubuntu 22.04 on the 29/03/2023
  • Doesn't works on Ubuntu 23:04 on the 05/06/2023 (issues with pywhatkit lib, try using pipx guide here)

What Whatshapp-Bulk does

Whatsapp-Bulk through the pywhatkit library can send a message to several contacts using Whatsapp web. The message is sent to 3 contacts per minute because Whatsapp web need some seconds to be opened in the browser. The script will open a new Whatsapp web session for each contact.

Idea to solve the issue

Avoid spam block: If the receiver hasn't got your Whatsapp contact already saved, it won't never receive your message sent to the broadcast list. We want to send Message one-to-one, using either array or .csv file that contains all the contacts that you want send the message to.

How to use it

  • If you want to send just the image, please refer to pywhatkit
  • If you want to send just the text, please refer to pywhatkit
  1. Edit the python script that you want to use
  • Choose the image and the text to send, modifying the content of img (line 43) and msg variable (line 48)
  1. Edit contacts
  • If you are using .csv file edit the /contacts/contacs2.csv or import in the python script (line 59)
  • If you are using the modify contactList list (line 58)
  1. Clear the cache of your default browser (I suggest you to use Firefox)

  2. Do the log-in to your whatsapp sender account in the browser

  3. Install copyq(in order to upload images)

  • apt install copyq -y
  1. Install pywhatkit every time you need it pip install pywhatkit

  2. Launch the pyhon script choosen python3 or python3

ATTENTION: During the execution don't press any key or use the device, otherwise it won't work

Additional Tool

There is also a script to do the steps 5, 6, 7 automatically Move in the repo folder cd ~/Whatsapp-Bulk Then open a terminal (only if you need to send an image)

  • sudo copyq (sometimes sudo isn't necessary) and
  • bash and select the mode.

Watch Out

  • Do not use multiple screens or monitors, otherwise it won't work!
  • If the python script is run when the value of local time second is equal to 0 may cause a warning, don't worry, just repeat the command!
  • If you need to send a message composed by many rows you must insert it inside triple high quotes as follow: """Your multi-rows message"""
  • In the body of your message you can also use Telegram/Whatsapp emoticons, you just need to copy-paste them. (I've used them in Visual Studio Code) [in the next section you have installation info]
  • The .csv file must be composed by just numbers in the first column: (check the /contacts/contacs2.csv)
    • List with phone number without + but with the country prefix before the phone number
    • Example +39 3401398234 must be written in the csv file like 393401398234
  • If you are using images too, you must run in other terminal copyq by running copyq[in the next section you have installation info, already provided the automatic lauch in the script]

Tools needed

  • python3 (Tested on python3.10.7)
    • sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
    • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa then press ENTER
    • sudo apt install python3.10 -y
  • python dependencies
    • sudo apt install python3-pip
    • sudo apt install python3-dev
    • sudo apt install python3-tk
    • sudo pip install pywhatkit (Note: Into the it is auto-installed)
  • figlet [optional, necessary just to execute the]
    • sudo apt install figlet
  • copyq (in order to upload images)
    • sudo apt install copyq -y
  • Visual studio code [optional]
    • sudo snap install --classic code


  • 50 messages in 16 minutes (Launched with the


Bulk messages for Whatsapp web






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