- upload prizes to the database, using a prebuilt dict of prize logo urls <> prize
- scrapes every project on the showcase page and saves the project data to a JSON
- uploads the project data from the JSON file to the database
Next steps: make updating the db easier - ideally whenever there's a new hackathon, we can run a single script to update all tables.
- Goal: add an event name like
, and the script will check for any new sponsors + projects, and update the db accordingly.
- ETHGlobal's showcase page only has data from HackMoney (2020) and onwards (No ETHNYC either). Previous hackathons were likely hosted on platforms like Devpost (eg. ETHWaterloo 2017)
- Prize data (eg. prize logos on project cards) is only available from HackFS 2021 and onwards.
- Hackathon slugs with working links start at
), previous hackathons use a different URL or are broken - On, some sponsor logos have broken links / generic trophy logos - this means ETHGlobal represents them as generic trophy logos (I'll likely manually go through it and fix it in the future)