Uplifted to 2023 GCP APIs.
Emotional YouTube is a browser extension that provides information and analysis for YouTube videos.
Please visit and read the documentation from Google to set up a GCP account and a project.
Google Cloud Platform Setup Guide
Enable Google Natural Language API
and YouTube Data V3 API
. Acquire API key and application credential, and setup environmental variables:
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS = path_to_your_credentials_json
GCP_APIKEY_EmotionalYouTube = your_apikey
Tutorials for generating credentials:
Clone from Github and install all the dependencies:
git clone https://github.com/Marvel0usx/EmotionalYouTube
pip install -r ./EmotionalYouTube/requirements.txt
Or, create a new virtualenv and install the package from TestPyPI:
pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ EmotionalYouTube-pkg-marvel0usx==1.0.0
Run the default server in shell:
python EmotionalYouTube
This line of code initializes the database and configures the app.
Or you can run with arguments in the shell:
python EmotionalYouTube --host --port 52638
Default address and port for the front- and back- end communication is localhost:5000
Visit chrome://extensions in Chrome. Click on the Load unpacked
button at the top-left. Load the folder emotional-youtube-launcher
You will see that the extension pops up in the managing panel.
The extension fetches the analysis report from the RESTful API and renders the JSON file to the popup window. The image at the center is showing a WordCloud that contains words that are mostly mentioned in comments. At the bottom, there are emotional analysis generated by Google NLP API, and tags of the video.