Note: may resort to iterating the dict values to find the matching requested key, so is potentially slow.
Key is first directly found using the exact key, and then loose rules are used.
pip install permissive-dict
- Keys compared without regard to case.
- Spaces, underscores, full-stops and dashes are equivalent in a requested key.
- Requested key is converted to str and stripped for wild card searching.
- Items in the list can be retrieved by, get, attribute_access, call or array requested_key.
- First matching element is returned.
- Default of '' is used instead of dict standard None or raising KeyError
- Multiple keys can be supplied separated with , (comma)
from permissive_dict import PermissiveDict
a = PermissiveDict({'A B': 2, 4: 4})
a.get('A_b') == a['a_b'] == a['A b'] == a['A_B'] == a['a-b '] == a['a.b '] == a.a_b == a.A_b == a('a-b')
a.get('blue,4') == 4
a.get('4') == a[4] == a(4) == a('4')
Items with multiple wildcard keys matching in the dictionary will return the first item found.
Keys can be accessed as attributes, array index, get() or by calling the instance variable.
a = PermissiveDict()
a.hello = 4
a.hello == a['hello'] == a('hello') == a.get('HellO')
An entire list of dictionaries can be converted to PermissiveDict using
the convert_list
method. NOTE: no deep conversion is done and child
dictionaries are not converted.
list_of_dicts = [dict(a=n) for n in range(10)]
permissive_list = PermissiveDict.convert_list(list_of_dicts)
Only Python 3 is supported.
1.0.4 Fix missing handling of _ and -