Two scripts for serial macromolecular crystallography. Split pump and probe diffraction images according to the average total scattered intensity.
Requirements: GNU/Linux, Python 3 (e.g. dials.python), qsub, DIALS or CrystFEL.
Open both scripts and set commands in the section 'IMPORTANT SETTING' which can load DIALS and CRYSTFEL on your system - using the variables SOURCE_DIALS and SOURCE_CRYSTFEL. The default setting works well at Diamond Light Source.
Example of usage: Open command line, create an empty directory, locate there, load DIALS and execute a command similar to this:
$ dials.python --dir /dls/x02-1/data/2022/mx15722-39/cheetah/ \ --files 133451 133452 133453 \ --geom /path/to/refined.expt \ --geom_crystfel /path/to/geometry1.geom
Average total scattered intensity will be calculated using dials.radial_average, it will take several minutes even using a computational cluster. After finish, you should be able to see a file average_intensity_all.csv with calculated average intensities and histogram average_intensity_all.png. Based on the result, decide what intensity will be your threshold - a value that divides pump and probe data - typically it is around an intensity of 30. If you specified a geometry file for CrystFEL, you should also see events.lst.
Thus, now the data splitting can be actually performed - run the second script while specifying a threshold value and possibly an events.lst file:
$ dials.python --dir /dls/x02-1/data/2022/mx15722-39/cheetah/ \ --files 133451 133452 133453 \ --events /path/to/events.lst \ --threshold 30
This script will create several files that specify pump and probe groups of diffraction images. Subsequently, they can be then used to run xia2.ssx, CrystFEL or dials.stills_process.
- For CrystFEL: events_pump.lst and events_probe.lst
- For xia2.ssx: that links to run_xia2.phil that links to run_xia2.yml that links to individual metadata .h5 files in subfolders (e.g. /path/to/133451-2/133451-0_dose_point.h5). So specify any other required parameters in run_xia2.phil and you are ready to run using
- For dials.stills_process: individual files in folders e.g. /path/to/133451-2/probe/ and /path/to/133451-2/probe/run_dials.phil
It is also possible to run automatically xia2.ssx and/or dials.stills_process when other parameters are specified and arguments --xia2 and/or --dials are used:
$ dials.python --geom /path/to/geometry_refinement/refined.expt \ --mask /path/to/mask/pixels3.mask \ --pdb /path/to/reference.pdb \ --dir /dls/x02-1/data/2022/mx15722-39/cheetah/ \ --files 133451 133452 133453 \ --spacegroup P21 --cell 50.0 60.0 70.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 --d_min 1.6 \ --threshold 30 \ --xia2 --dials
All available options can be listed using --help
$ dials.python --help usage: [-h] --dir PATH --files FILES [FILES ...] --geom GEOM [--sim] pppp - Pump and Probe Processing Pipeline - 1st script optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --dir PATH, --path PATH Absolute path to the directory with data --files FILES [FILES ...] Names of files to be involved in processing --geom GEOM Absolute path to a geometry file for DIALS or xia2 --geom_crystfel GEOM_CRYSTFEL Absolute path to a geometry file for CrystFEL --sim, --simulate Simulate: create files but not execute qsub jobs
$ python3 --help usage: [-h] --threshold threshold_low [threshold_high ...] --dir PATH [--files FILES [FILES ...]] [--events EVENTS] [--xia2] [--dials] [--geom GEOM] [--pdb PDB] [--mask MASK] [--skip-splitting] [--d_min D_MIN] [--spacegroup spacegroup] [--cell cell_a cell_b cell_c cell_alpha cell_beta cell_gamma] [--sim] pppp - Pump and Probe Processing Pipeline - 2nd script - split diffraction images according to the threshold - average total scattered intensity options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --threshold threshold_low [threshold_high ...] Threshold that divides pump and probe data --dir PATH, --path PATH Absolute path to the directory with data --files FILES [FILES ...] Names of files to be involved in processing --events EVENTS Absolute path to an events.lst file from CrystFEL - required for generating of pump and probe event.lst files --xia2 After splitting the data, run xia2.ssx for data processing --dials After splitting the data, run dials.stills_process and xia2.ssx_reduce for data processing --geom GEOM Absolute path to a geometry file for DIALS and xia2 --pdb PDB Absolute path to a reference PDB file --mask MASK Absolute path to a mask file --skip-splitting Skip data splitting, assuming the data have been split already --d_min D_MIN, --highres D_MIN High-resolution cutoff --spacegroup spacegroup Specify space group --cell cell_a cell_b cell_c cell_alpha cell_beta cell_gamma Specify unit cell parameters divided by spaces, e.g. 60 50 40 90 90 90 --sim, --simulate Simulate: create files but not execute qsub jobs
Developed by Martin Maly, [email protected] , (University of Southampton and Diamond Light Source and CCP4)