Project Description
Automated robot that sorts cubes by color, using BrickPI, RaspberryPI and Python Programming.
• In order for the system to be considered automatic, the maximum amount of interaction a user has to operate the system should be to:
o load an unsorted set of items from the DPM kit into one specified location/area
o start the system after loading the unsorted items through a press of a button, or keyboard/mouse input
• Once the system finishes sorting the items, the items should be found in distinctly different locations around the system where a user can easily grab them without re-sorting them and place them into their tote box.
• The user should not need to re-sort the items once the system has finished (i.e., there should not be any errors in the sorting system’s final output).
• At minimum, the system should sort a minimum of 10 foam cubes according to their colour in under 2 minutes. Being able to sort other items in addition to the foam cubes (within max. 5 min) is desired but not a requirement