API to Edit User Presets with a simple GUI frontend
Get/Create/Update/Delete presets for equalizers and compressors
The server uses a MongoDB with a simple rest API.
There are two endpoints for the API, one for compressors and one for equalizers.
The schema's are defined is server/models
To run the server
cd server
npm install
node server
Create a server/config.js file for database host and name
module.exports = {
The client uses react and redux to edit the presets and connect to the API.
The javascript is written in ES6 and uses a babel transpiler and webpack to convert into ES5.
To run the client
cd client
npm install
npm start
Goto localhost:8080
Get Equalizers GET /api/v1/equalizers
Create Equalizer POST /api/v1/equalizers
Get Equalizer GET /api/v1/equalizers/:id
Update Equalizer PUT /api/v1/equalizers/:id
Delete Equalizer DELETE /api/v1/equalizers/:id
Get Compressors GET /api/v1/compressors
Create Compressor POST /api/v1/compressors
Get Compressor GET /api/v1/compressors/:id
Update Compressor PUT /api/v1/compressors/:id
Delete Compressor DELETE /api/v1/compressors/:id
Future development
- Export the schema in json and build forms dynamically in the gui
- Convert checkboxes to switches for the band in the gui
- Another API to create instruments so that instruments can share presets of equalizers and compressors