- api/v1/bounds
- options
- url
- options
- api/v1/metadata
- options
- url
- options
- api/v1/tiles
- tile_z
- Integer
- tile_y
- Integer
- tile_x
- Integer
- format
- png or jpg
- tile_z
- api/v1/value
- options
- url
- x = longitude
- y = latitude
- options
- api/v1/profile
- options
- url
- x = array of longitude
- y = array of latitude
- options
- api/v1/volume
- options
- url
- x = array of longitude
- y = array of latitude
- options
This API is hosted on AWS Lambda at url - https://px7dducuh9.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/
docker build -t cog_api2 .
docker run -d -p 8000 2359d646ac11(Image name)
docker ps (To display container id)
docker logs container_id