pip install cigaro
the tool module should have a class that inherits from cigar.ToolAbstract
# modules.py
# create a class that inherits from ToolAbstract
from cigaro.AbstractTool import ToolAbstract
class Hydra(ToolAbstract):
def __init__(self, target: str, user: str, wordlist: str, protocol: str):
path = "/usr/bin/hydra"
super().__init__(path, "hydra", "-l", user, "-P", wordlist, target, protocol, "-t", "4")
# define rules for parsing the output
def password_rule(output):
lines = output.splitlines()
i = 0
for line in lines:
if "login:" in line:
line_to_select: str = lines[i + 1]
return line_to_select.split(" ")[1]
i += 1
def username_rule(output):
lines = output.splitlines()
i = 0
for line in lines:
if "login:" in line:
line_to_select: str = lines[i + 1]
return line_to_select.split(" ")[0]
i += 1
def username(self):
return self.username_result
def password(self):
return self.password_result
def on_end(self):
return super().on_end()
rule is a function that takes the output of the command line tool and returns the result you want to get from the output
- implicitly
the implicit definition of a rule function must end with
and must be static
def password_rule(output):
lines = output.splitlines()
i = 0
for line in lines:
if "login:" in line:
line_to_select: str = lines[i + 1]
return line_to_select.split(" ")[1]
i += 1
- explicitly
the explicit definition of a rule must override the
using self.rule_register(rule_name, rule_function)
from cigaro.AbstractTool import ToolAbstract
class NmapLite(ToolAbstract):
def __init__(self, tport: str, target: str):
super().__init__("nmap", "-p", tport, target)
self.rule_register("state", self.state_rule_explicit)
@staticmethod # added in explicit rule definition
def state_rule_explicit(out):
lines = out.splitlines()
i = 0
for line in lines:
if "PORT" in line:
line_to_select: str = lines[i + 1]
return line_to_select.split(" ")[1]
i += 1
# implicit rule definition
def service_rule(out):
lines = out.splitlines()
i = 0
for line in lines:
if "PORT" in line:
line_to_select: str = lines[i + 1]
return line_to_select.split(" ")[2]
i += 1
def port_rule(out):
lines = out.splitlines()
i = 0
for line in lines:
if "PORT" in line:
line_to_select: str = lines[i + 1]
return line_to_select.split(" ")[0]
i += 1
def portr(out):
def port_r(self):
return self.port_result
def state_r(self):
return self.state_result
def service_r(self):
return self.service_result
def on_end(self):
self.rule_register("state", self.state_rule_explicit)
return super().on_end()
you should to define a property, this property should return the result of the rule
the return variable should be named rule_name
+ _result
def username(self):
return self.username_result
from yourmodule import Hydra
hydra = Hydra(
example on webpalm tool webpalm
import json
import shutil
from cigaro.AbstractTool import ToolAbstractAsync
class WebPalmAsync(ToolAbstractAsync):
def __init__(self, target: str, level: int):
name = "webpalm"
path = shutil.which("webpalm", path="/home/xorbit/go/bin")
super().__init__(name, path, "-u", target, "-l", str(level), "-o", "/tmp/web_palm_output.json")
def urls_rule(_):
with open("/tmp/web_palm_output.json", "r") as f:
urls = json.load(f)
return urls
def urls(self):
return self.urls_result
from yourmodule import WebPalmAsync
webpalm = WebPalmAsync("https://google.com", 1)
await webpalm.start()
await webpalm.wait()