In this project I built a web application for College Festival Management, this application is a goto for every person/user involved in organising college fest, participaitng in college fest, Managing events, logistics. In this project the focus is more on how database works, how it is integrated to a useful web application with different functionalities.
- ReactJS for frontend
- NodeJS for backend
- PostgreSQL
A remote or local database can be connected.
Add a file nammed db.js in the server folder and pase the following code.\
import * as pg from 'pg'
const { Pool } = pg.default;
const pool = new Pool({
user: "USER_NAME",
password: "PASS",
host: "localhost",
port: port_no,
database: "postgres"
export default pool;
Replace the following:
USER_NAME : PostgreSQL username in the local/remote server
PASS : password of the database
port_no : Port on which the database is accessible
Add the db.js file as shown in the Database part above.
Run client app using the following commands:
change the working directory to client/my-app then run
npm start
Run server app using the following commands:
Change the working directory to server then run
npm start