A docker compose project to setup an OSM PostGIS database with automatic updates from OSM periodically. The only file you need is a PBF file and run the docker compose project.
As a quick implementation for Malawi, we are going to setup Docker-OSM with default values everywhere:
- Download the PBF file from http://download.geofabrik.de/africa/malawi-latest.osm.pbf
- Put the file in the
folder. - Do
make run
in the build directory. This will download and execute the docker-osm project. It might be very long depending of your bandwidth and the PBF you are importing. - Do
make import_clip
in the build directory. This will import the Malawi country-border shapefile into the database and the clipping sql function needed for clipping the updates according to the territory of Malawi. - Check the data availability with PGAdmin or QGIS, by adding a new PostGIS connection:
(or the IP address/domain name of your server), databasegis
, port35432
for both username and password. - That's it! You have an OSM database, up and running. The update is done every 15 minutes from the main OSM website.
For further reading and customizations, read below.
In this example we will set up an OSM database for Malawi that will pull for updates every 15 minutes.
First get a PBF file from your area and put this file in the 'settings' folder. You can download some PBF files on these URLS for instance :
cd settings
wget -c -O country.pbf http://download.openstreetmap.fr/extracts/africa/malawi.osm.pbf
You must put only one PBF file in the settings folder. Only the last one will be read.
In settings
, you can edit the mapping.yml
to customize the PostGIS schema.
You can find the documentation about the mapping configuration on the imposm
website: https://imposm.org/docs/imposm3/latest/mapping.html
The default file in Docker-OSM is coming from
You can configure the time interval in the docker-compose file. By default, it's 15 minutes. If you set the TIME variable to 0, no diff files will be imported.
The default update stream is worldwide. So even if you imported a local PBF, if you don't set a clipping area, you will end with data from all over the world.
You can put a shapefile in the clip folder. This shapefile will be used for clipping every features after the import. This file has to be named 'clip.shp' and in the CRS you are using in the database (4326 by default). When the database container is running, import the shapefile in the database using the command :
make import_clip
You can remove the clip file : make remove_clip
The database is provided with some default styles. These styles will be loaded automatically when loaded in QGIS. It's following the default OSM mapping from ImpOSM.
make import_styles
make remove_styles
make backup_styles
You can add PostGIS functions, triggers, materialized views in the SQL file.
Now build the docker images needed to run the application:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
In production you should daemonize the services when bringing them up:
docker-compose up -d
You can check the timestamp of your database by reading the file :
or you can use :
make timestamp
In the makefile, you can switch to another docker compose project.
The other one includes QGIS Server. When it's running, you should be able to
open, on the host(not in docker), the index.html
file and see OSM and QGIS
Server showing PostGIS tables. The webpage is using Leaflet.
If you want to tweak the QGIS Project, you need to add a host in your in /etc/hosts
: db
Because in the docker-compose file, the link is made with the PostGIS database using the alias db
This docker image, when run will regularly fetch any new diff file for all the changes that have happened in the world over the update interval.
You can also specify a custom url for fetching the diff if you wish to retrieve regional diffs rather than the global one.
You can specify a polygonal area for the diff so that it will only apply features from the diff that fall within that area. For example providing a polygon of the borders of Malawi will result in only Malawi features being extracted from the diff.
Note: the diff retrieved and options specified here are not related to the initial base map used - so for example if your initial base map is for Malawi and you specify a diff area in Botswana, updated features in Botswana will be applied to your base map which only includes features from Malawi. For this reason, take care to ensure that your diff area coincides with the region covered by your original base map.
Once the diff has been downloaded, it is placed into /home/import_queue where it will be picked up by the long running imposm3 container, which will apply the diff to the database.
You should have 3 folders : osm_pbf, import_queue, import_done
Put a state file in base-pbf like this one : http://download.openstreetmap.fr/extracts/africa/south_africa.state.txt
docker build -t osmupdate .
docker run -v $('pwd')import-queue/:/home/import-queue -v $('pwd')base-pbf/:/home/base-pbf -v $('pwd')import-done/:/home/import-done -d osmupdate
With -e, you can add some settings :
- MAX_DAYS = 100, the maximum time range to assemble a cumulated changefile.
- DIFF = sporadic, osmupdate uses a combination of minutely, hourly and daily changefiles. This value can be minute, hour, day or sporadic.
- MAX_MERGE = 7, argument to determine the maximum number of parallely processed changefiles.
- COMPRESSION_LEVEL = 1, define level for gzip compression. values between 1 (low compression but fast) and 9 (high compression but slow)
- BASE_URL = http://planet.openstreetmap.org/replication/, change the URL to use a custom URL to fetch regional file updates.
- IMPORT_QUEUE = import_queue
- IMPORT_DONE = import_done
- OSM_PBF = osm_pbf
- TIME = 120, seconds between two executions of the script
If you are using docker-compose, you can use these settings within the
This image will take care of doing the initial load for the selected region (e.g. planet, or a country such as Malawi) into your database. It will then apply, at a regular interval (default is 2 minutes), any diff that arrives in the /home/import_queue folder to the postgis OSM database. The diffs are fetched by a separate container (see osm_update container).
The container will look for an OSM file (.pbf) and its state file (.state.txt) in BASE_PBF.
With -e, you can add some settings :
- TIME = 120, seconds between 2 executions of the script
- POSTGRES_USER = docker, default user
- POSTGRES_PASS = docker, default password
- PGPASSWORD = docker, default password (needed for specifying password during psql operations)
- SETTINGS = settings, folder for settings (with *.json and *.sql)
- CACHE = cache, folder for caching
- BASE_PBF = base_pbf, folder the OSM file
- IMPORT_DONE = import_done, folder for diff which has been imported
- IMPORT_QUEUE = import_queue, folder for diff which hasn't been imported yet
- SRID = 4326, it can be 3857
- OPTIMIZE = false, check (Imposm)[http://imposm.org/docs/imposm3/latest/tutorial.html#optimize]
- DBSCHEMA_PRODUCTION = public, check (Imposm)[http://imposm.org/docs/imposm3/latest/tutorial.html#deploy-production-tables]
- DBSCHEMA_IMPORT = import, check (Imposm)[http://imposm.org/docs/imposm3/latest/tutorial.html#deploy-production-tables]
- DBSCHEMA_BACKUP = backup, check (Imposm)[http://imposm.org/docs/imposm3/latest/tutorial.html#deploy-production-tables]
You can adjust these preferences in the docker-compose.yml
file provided
in this repository.
With -e, you can add some settings to PostGIS:
You can run a QGIS Server front end to the OSM mirroir by using the provided docker-compose-web.yml file. For example:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-web.yml qgisserver up
This application was designed and implemented by:
- Etienne Trimaille ([email protected])
- Tim Sutton ([email protected])
With some important design ideas provided by Ariel Nunez ([email protected]).
Parts of this project are built on the existing work of others.
July 2015