I recently discovered that there is an open Python API to access N26 accounts, so of course I had to make a daily expense manager based on it:
The idea is to ask a few questions about each expense :
- If you pay all/part of the expense for someone else, how much did you actually pay for yourself?
- Have they paid you back yet?
- Was this expense necessary? It could be fixed, variable, for hobbies, purely optional, for fun, ...
- etc.
Then, we could show simple statistics for each month (and cumulative yearly expenses) about how much you spent on each category/necessity.
Everything is stored on a Google Sheets on our personal account which acts as a database and is accessed through a Python API.
➡️ Since this feature is probably pretty niche, I won't write documentation about it yet. If you're interested, please open a new discussion topic on GitHub!