Here I have tried to create a project which is responsive and UI look is same as mentioned in the challenge. And for the functionslity I have used the "useState", hook which is inbuild hook of react, for state manipulation.
- clone the repository with the command : "git clone".
- Then navigate to the Eve-Task and first run "npm install" after compeltion of install then run "npm start", then you can see the result in developent mode.
- clone the repository with the command : "git clone".
- Then navigate to the Eve-Task and first run "npm install" after compeltion of install then run "serve -s build", then you can see the result in production mode.
- As mentioned in the instruction I have used, ReactJS, HTML and SASS, to complete the challenge.
- For Mobiles which are equal or less than 600px in screen width, I have showed accoring to the design.
- For tablets I have made two breakpoints at 768px and 1024px for the tablets, accroding to the design.
- For Laptops at screen width 1366px and at the screen width 1440px, made it as accroing to the design.
- For Desktop at screen width 1920px the design fit good.
While trying to run the production mode it was saying that,"cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system".
To solve this issue I have used this command,"powershell Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned".