A* , Best First Search , Bidirectional BFS , Dijkstra , BFS , DFS
First, choose the source node "colored green"
Then, choose the destination node "colored blue"
After that, you can choose any number of nodes to be blocks "colored red" except the starting and ending nodes
- 'A' to run A*
- 'T' to run Best First Search
- 'I' to run Bidirectional BFS
- 'J' to run Dijkstra
- 'B' to run BFS
- 'D' to run DFS
If there is a path from the source to the destination,
- After running DFS, the destination node will be colored yellow
- After running any other algorithm, all the nodes in the path will be colored yellow showing the exact shortest path
Wait until the current algorithm's visualization is finished
- If you want to run another algorithm on the same maze, press the letter of the wanted algorithm
- press 'R' to reset the maze
Change sleepingTime constant variables accordingly to increase/decrease the speed of the visualization of an algorithm or the speed of backtracking the path
It should be noted that shortest path algorithms here can simply be replaced by BFS because there are no weights, but the main purpose is to visualize the algorithms and get a better understanding of how they work.
Project was made using SFML C++
NOTE : Algorithms are visualized in the above order