GrandCentralCP is a light web server control panel written in Ruby on Rails
This is a version 1 of GCCP and is still under development. It is NOT recommended for production use!
Features included in this version:
automatic configuration of Apache2 VHosts
automatic configuration of MySQL Users Databases
simple user management (normal and FTP users)
view of a users web folders
This is an early version of GCCP. Later versions will
have an installer
allow subdomains
have an feature rich user interface
As of now GCCP is written for Debian and Ubuntu only.
prepare your server
apt-get install git-core apache2 mysql-server mysql-client ruby1.8-dev rubygems libxml2-dev libxslt-ruby libsqlite3-dev libopenssl-ruby rake mkpasswd gem install rubygems-update ruby /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/rubygems-update-*/setup.rb gem install bundler git clone <source see above> cd GrandCentralCP bundle install cp config/database.yml-dist config/database.yml cp config/gccp.yml-dist config/gccp.yml cp config/initializers/session_store.rb-dist config/initializers/session_store.rb groupadd ftp-user rake db:migrate rake db:seed (creates firstadmin, defined in gccp.yml)
start GCCP
cd GrandCentralCP script/server open a new terminal
rake jobs:work
Do only install GCCP on test systems and only if you know what you do!
When you start webrick the interface is available on localhost:3000/ on your server.
Matthias Schmidt (
Bettina Steger (
Development of GrandCentralCP is supported by FH Salzburg - University of Applied Sciences Salzburg