This program was created with the intent of searching and displaying information for a game from the IGDB.
This project was created in Go using the IGDB Package.
This tool is designed with the needs of game reviewers in mind. It will help someone compile information for a game that they get that would be necessary, like a brief summary of the plot, what platforms the game was released on as well as the dates, and more.
If Go isn't already install, you can find installation instructions here.
After installation, you can grab the dependencies using:
go get
From here, you can compile by running:
go build
go build search.go
This will create a binary which you can then run from the command line for testing.
Once compiled, you should have an executable file located in the project directory, named according to how you decided to build the project (more on that found here).
The executable has 2 flags required in order to run:
-g: Name of the game to search (in quotations if it has multiple words)
-k: IGDB API-Key that is used to communicate with the database
To run, assuming you used the second command to build:
./search -g <NAME_OF_GAME> -k <YOUR_API_KEY>