To Handle all Forntend- queries of app User and admin and for seamless response a techinal conbination of tool has been impplemented
where it will handle
user relavent queries
category/product/page relavent queries
cart/order/adress relavent querrires
The framework used: NodeJS,
The database used : MongoDB
Models/Scema used for various dataset:
- User - To store login credential as well as user information
- Category- to list various category for user in app
- Product - to list varoius product in category
- cart - to save information of user for added items in cart
- Address - To deliver item in particular address of user after confirmation of order
- Page - To display separate page of a particular brand like : Apple, MI etc
- Order - To Store ordered items by user for further process Authentication: bcrypt library used to encrypt user password.
Install my-project with npm
run "clone https/ssh link" to local terminal in root directory of your folder
git clone "link here"
cd cloned_project_folder
npm install --save
after installation of packages
npm start
for fully functionality, have to setup "server side" as well