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A software for systematically evaluating bipartitions in a phylogenetic tree employing an approximately unbiased test.

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AU test on each bipartition

Technical documents are here.



Bamba K., Harada R., Inagaki Y. (2024) AUTOEB: A Software for Systematically Evaluating Bipartitions in a Phylogenetic Tree Employing an Approximately Unbiased Test. IPSJ Transactions on Bioinformatics, 17: 72–82.

DOI: 10.2197/ipsjtbio.17.72



Whichever installation type you select, you have to clone this repository in advance. DO NOT use the main branch for installation. You should checkout the tag associated with target version of this software (In git clone command, -b TAG option is usable).

git clone [email protected]:MEMlabo/AUTOEB.git -b v1.1.1

By Singularity

To build singularity container, execute scripts/ When the build successes, the container file autoeb.sif is created at package/.

chmod +x ./scripts/
bash ./scripts/

Without Singularity


At first, execute scripts/ to initialize the project.

chmod +x ./scripts/
bash ./scripts/

Next, add package path of autoeb to .bashrc by using the environment variant PYTHONPATH.

Example of .bashrc

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:<repo dir>/src/

Lastly, set the command to execute IQ-TREE and path of CONSEL by modifying src/autoeb/config.json.

Example of config.json

    "iqtree_command": "iqtree2.2.0",
    "consel_dir": "/usr/local/bin/"


At first, execute scripts/init.ps1 to initialize the project.


Next, add package path of autoeb by using the variant PYTHONPATH (Using control panel is easy way).

Lastly, set the command to execute IQ-TREE and path of CONSEL by modifying src/autoeb/config.json.

Example of config.json

    "iqtree_command": "iqtree2.exe",
    "consel_dir": "$PATH"


By Singularity

Use singularity run command to execute.

singularity run ./package/autoeb.sif <parameters>

Without Singularity


Execute scripts/

bash ./scripts/ <parameters>


Execute scripts/exec_autoeb.ps1.

.\scripts\exec_autoeb.ps1 <parameters>


General options

Name Full Name Type / Default Required Description
-h --help flag - Show the help of this application
-v --version flag - Show the version of this application
-s --seq file + Path of sequences (file format should be applicable for IQ-TREE)
-t --tree file + Path of ML-tree file
--range string / ALL - Specifies which bipartition to analyze e.g.) ALL (all bipartitions), -5 (0th to 5th) ,3-11 (3rd to 11th), 4,13- (4th and 13th to last bipartition)
--sig-level float (0 < value < 1) / 0.05 - Significance level of rejecting NNI-tree
-T --thread int (>=1) / 1 - Specifies the number of threads used in IQ-TREE and parallel execution of CONSEL
--redo flag - Ignore checkpoints and force to execute all operation

IQ-TREE options

Name Full Name Type / Default Required Description
-m --model string + Substitution model supported by IQ-TREE e.g.) LG+I+G, WAG+C20+F+R10
--iqtree-param file / null - The text file with optional parameters used in executing IQ-TREE
-b --bootstrap int (>= 1000) /100,000 - Specifies the number of replicates by RELL-bootstrap in makermt (in CONSEL package)
--iqtree-verbose flag - IQ-TREE log become redirected to stdout.

When specify --iqtree-param option, specify a text file which represents parameters to give in running IQ-TREE. In loading the text file, new line (\n) is replaced by white space.


AUTOEB Command:

autoeb -s seq.fasta -t ml.tree -m LG+F+G -o autoeb --iqtree-param iqtree-parameters.txt


--mem 100G

CONSEL options

Name Full Name Type / Default Required Description
--seed int (>= 0) / -1 - Specifies the seed of RELL-bootstrap by the makermt. If 0, system time is used for seed (each bipartition has different values). If -1 (default), random value is used (each bipartition has the same value)

Output options

Name Full Name Type / Default Required Description
-o --out directory + Directory to output files. If specified directory doesn't exist, created automatically
-f --out-format string / {src}/{bin} - Specifies the format of bipartitions. See also here
--output-tmp-files flag - All temporary files are retained and compressed into tmp-output.tar.gz.

Examples of usage

In the most common use case of AUTOEB, sequence file seq.fasta and tree file ml.treefile are specified files. LG+C60+F+G is specified as substitution model. Output files are contained at output_autoeb directory.

singularity run autoeb.sif -s seq.fasta -t ml.treefile -m LG+C60+F+G -o output_autoeb

-T option specifies the number of threads used. See also here.

singularity run autoeb.sif -s seq.fasta -t ml.treefile -m LG+C60+F+G -T 16 -o output_autoeb


See here.


A software for systematically evaluating bipartitions in a phylogenetic tree employing an approximately unbiased test.






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