An automation suite for pokeclicker. Is not intended to be a "cheat", (almost) everything here is humanly possible, if you were superhuman.
The clicker script automatically attacks every 50 ms (that's as fast as the game will register clicks) while in a battle. It also clicks during dungeon encounters to open chests, fight trainers and begin boss fights.
Use "flash" to light up the dungeon and auto-navigate to the boss. This one is a bit cheaty to be honest, but dungeons are so tedious imo >.< TODO: Write a pathing script to blindly stumble around the dungeon until you find the boss
Automatically add all battle items so you're always super powered
The Hatchery script automatically fills the Hatchery queue with Pokémon (up to 4). Pokémon in the queue do not contribute towards your attack, so we don't want to overfill the queue. When selecting Pokémon, the script uses the sorting direction and filters that you set in the Hatchery screen. The check is performed every 5 seconds.
The Underground script simply uses Bomb whenever you are about to reach maximum energy. It's horribly inefficient, but it's better than wasting energy. It feels nice to wake up to some Underground progress and know that energy is not going to waste.
Will auto plant/harvest chest berries at the farm. Not super complicated, but gets you farming points.
Will automatically buy battle items when you run out
Automatically re-fight the same gym again. This has already been implemented so maybe not do this one?
Auto-accepts quests that can be accomplished by grinding (money, defeat on certain route)
A lot of credit goes to the pokeclicker team of course, for making a great game and API that allowed me to do this. If your game wasn't interesting/fun then this wouldn't be posible. Credits also to Ivan Lay for the original scripts. daniellockard and george-dy provided inspiration/code that let me take this to the next level.