This module provides some plugins in order to manipulate API endpoints within the magento2/heidelpay
module. This is necessary for mocking purpose in a local development environment or for additional testing systems, which are
not supported by Heidelpay.
ATTENTION: Please do not use this module in production environment. It is designed for testing purpose only!
composer config repositories.techdivision.magento2-heidelpay-mockable vcs
composer require --dev techdivision/heidelpay-mockable
bin/magento setup:upgrade
After installing the module you need to configure the endpoints for your PSP mock service by adding following values
into your <project-root>/app/etc/config.php
'system' =>
array (
'default' =>
array (
'techdivision_heidelpay_mockable' =>
array (
'psp_mock_url' => 'https://psp-mock.test',
This module was designed for, but it should also work for others.
This project is licensed under the OSL 3.0 License.