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Meeting 24.11.2021

LukasBaecker edited this page Nov 24, 2021 · 2 revisions

1. Think of the datastructure (should we implement and register a borrow action to have kind of a time plan) link user and borrower

  • borrowed value (Boolean) for resource
  • Expiration date for the borrow (to calc the days left in FE)
  • FE: filter for currently borrowed
  • FE: positions on map and list of stuff per location
  • FE: show email or contact form
  • button for owner to change

2. think about the geometry that a garden is represented by (Point, or rather some polygon? Implicit through address?)

  • .
  • FE: able to select adress (geolocation conversion in BE) and check the given point or just select a point
  • BE: using here-maps or Nominatim or any else for geolocation

3. multiple communitys for one user

  • yes

4. multiple language

  • yes

5. Have real persons to work with the UI to see if it's understandable etc

  • to early but we will definitely!

6. information/tipps about how to borrow stuff etc.

  • when adding a tool etc. there is a info box with general information