To write interpreter for pseudo-assembler language, write virtual machine for this language and make the breathtaking visualisation CoreWar game.
To run Assembly language interpreter:
./asm [input files]
input files - correct *.s file written in Assembly language
To run CoreWar game without visualisation:
./corewar [args...][-n][number][filename.cor]|[filename.cor]
s - silent. No live operation prints
help - help message
[-n][number] - set player's number to [number]
[filename.cor] - path to champion.
To run breathtaking CoreWar game:
./visu [args...][-n][number][filename.cor]|[filename.cor]
s - silent. No live operation prints
help - help message
[-n][number] - set player's number to [number]
[filename.cor] - path to champion.
You have to install graphics libraries as in this instructions to ~/Library/Frameworks/
You have to upload .c and .h files from this source to ~/SDL_gfx/