anchore-engine Public
Forked from anchore/anchore-engineA service that analyzes docker images and applies user-defined acceptance policies to allow automated container image validation and certification
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 9, 2018 -
ansible-modules-core Public
Forked from ansible/ansible-modules-coreAnsible modules - these modules ship with ansible
Python UpdatedJan 12, 2017 -
ansible-role-cis-amazon-linux Public
Forked from anthcourtney/ansible-role-cis-amazon-linuxAnsible role to apply CIS Amazon Linux Benchmark v2.0.0
Python UpdatedJun 29, 2018 -
aws-kms-developer-guide Public
Forked from awsdocs/aws-kms-developer-guideOfficial repository of the AWS KMS Developer Guide (
Other UpdatedAug 31, 2022 -
crystal-book Public
Forked from crystal-lang/crystal-bookCrystal docs at
Other UpdatedMar 16, 2017 -
docker-bench-security Public
Forked from docker/docker-bench-securityThe Docker Bench for Security is a script that checks for dozens of common best-practices around deploying Docker containers in production.
Shell Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 30, 2017 -
fpm Public
Forked from jordansissel/fpmEffing package management! Build packages for multiple platforms (deb, rpm, etc) with great ease and sanity.
Ruby Other UpdatedMar 7, 2017 -
ossec-hids Public
Forked from ossec/ossec-hidsOSSEC is an Open Source Host-based Intrusion Detection System that performs log analysis, file integrity checking, policy monitoring, rootkit detection, real-time alerting and active response.
C Other UpdatedJun 12, 2017 -
portauthority Public
Forked from target/portauthorityAPI that leverages Clair to scan Docker Registries and Kubernetes Clusters for vulnerabilities
Go Other UpdatedJun 14, 2018 -
strongbox Public
Forked from schibsted/strongboxA secret management solution for AWS
Java MIT License UpdatedNov 7, 2017 -
sumologic-collector-docker Public
Forked from SumoLogic/sumologic-collector-dockerA Sumo Logic collector for Docker.
Shell Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 12, 2017 -