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Get Service List Sequence Diagram

Paul Philion edited this page Mar 22, 2024 · 2 revisions

High-level sequence diagram for finding service list:

    actor User
    participant CoverageApp
    participant AddressResolver
    participant AllConnect
    User->>CoverageApp: Enter address
    CoverageApp->>AddressResolver: Resolve address to a formal address structure with required params
    AddressResolver->>CoverageApp: Structured params for address
    CoverageApp->>AllConnect: Get the plans for this address (using URL)
    AllConnect->>CoverageApp: List of plans, ordered by cheapest first
    CoverageApp->>User: Present plans for specified address


In the above diagram:

  • User is a user of the coverage app.
  • CoverageApp is the SCN coverage app (this project).
  • AddressResolver is a module to convert a human-provided string (thus potentially containing errors) into the closest US postal street address. It still needs to be determined what data is needed and where it comes from.
  • AllConnect is a module to invoke one or more calls to the AllConnect website to scrape the plan data for a given address.