🎓 I'm currently studying BSc (Hons) Software Engineering at Bournemouth University, hoping to become a Data Scientist (maybe I'll do a MSc in Data Science 🤔). My favourite language is probably C# and I really love SQL.
During my studies I've undertaken a variety of different roles (paid and voluntary) to enhance my skills:
- 🌸 Student Ambassador: where I've had the opportunity to work within different teams for the university, such as: Open days & events, Schools Liaison Partnership, Future Students Enquiry Team, Unibuddy, & Digital Marketing.
- 💬 President of the Language Learning Society: where I helped in creating a community to help improve people's confidence in language learning.
- 🔰 PAL (Peer Assisted Learning) Leader for Technology Foundation: where I conduct weekly sessions as a senior student with Foundation year students, to be an extra point of contact as they settle into the university.
- 📢 Student Representative: where I’ve had the privilege of attending meetings and representing not just my own but fellow students’ voices.
☕ I'm slowly becoming a coffee addict like my dad.
Thank you for taking the time to read about me. Please enjoy my uploaded work and stay tuned for new works to come!