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EliasSchaut committed Apr 14, 2024
1 parent f218658 commit b565ac3
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Showing 6 changed files with 34 additions and 12 deletions.
6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions src/scenes/player.tscn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -166,9 +166,3 @@ libraries = {
"": SubResource("AnimationLibrary_8mlmo")
speed_scale = 3.0

[node name="Status" type="Sprite2D" parent="."]
visible = false
position = Vector2(0, -10)
scale = Vector2(0.25, 0.25)
texture = ExtResource("7_qh5jy")
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion src/scenes/projectiles/fireball.tscn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,15 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://bd8uqi10n7il4"]
[gd_scene load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://bd8uqi10n7il4"]

[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dyqpiguafbprl" path="res://scenes/projectiles/projectile.tscn" id="1_bb8xt"]

[sub_resource type="CircleShape2D" id="CircleShape2D_dlco6"]
resource_local_to_scene = true
radius = 3.0

[node name="Fireball" instance=ExtResource("1_bb8xt")]
speed = 80.0

[node name="CollisionShape2D" parent="." index="0"]
shape = SubResource("CircleShape2D_dlco6")
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion src/scenes/projectiles/fish.tscn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,15 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://c3tegvnd7if4x"]
[gd_scene load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://c3tegvnd7if4x"]

[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dyqpiguafbprl" path="res://scenes/projectiles/projectile.tscn" id="1_hvx3w"]

[sub_resource type="CircleShape2D" id="CircleShape2D_kv7fu"]
resource_local_to_scene = true
radius = 3.0

[node name="Fish" instance=ExtResource("1_hvx3w")]
speed = 150.0

[node name="CollisionShape2D" parent="." index="0"]
shape = SubResource("CircleShape2D_kv7fu")
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion src/scenes/projectiles/lightning.tscn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,14 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://d2mkwkl8mrwhf"]
[gd_scene load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://d2mkwkl8mrwhf"]

[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dyqpiguafbprl" path="res://scenes/projectiles/projectile.tscn" id="1_w1h7g"]

[sub_resource type="CircleShape2D" id="CircleShape2D_p8obe"]
resource_local_to_scene = true
radius = 3.0

[node name="Lightning" instance=ExtResource("1_w1h7g")]
speed = 150.0

[node name="CollisionShape2D" parent="." index="0"]
shape = SubResource("CircleShape2D_p8obe")
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion src/scenes/projectiles/strike.tscn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,14 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://cfa18tc8snad3"]
[gd_scene load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://cfa18tc8snad3"]

[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dyqpiguafbprl" path="res://scenes/projectiles/projectile.tscn" id="1_gf3ie"]

[sub_resource type="CircleShape2D" id="CircleShape2D_8hom7"]
resource_local_to_scene = true
radius = 3.0

[node name="Strike" instance=ExtResource("1_gf3ie")]

[node name="CollisionShape2D" parent="." index="0"]
shape = SubResource("CircleShape2D_8hom7")
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/scenes/rooms/room_main.tscn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
[node name="Room2" instance=ExtResource("1_ustoa")]

[node name="Map" parent="." index="1"]
layer_0/tile_data = PackedInt32Array(131073, 65537, 2, 131074, 65537, 2, 131075, 65537, 2, 131076, 65537, 2, 131077, 196609, 1, 131072, 65537, 2, 196607, 1, 2, 65535, 1, 1, -65537, 1, 0, -131072, 65537, 0, -131071, 65537, 0, -131070, 65537, 0, -131069, 65537, 0, -131068, 196609, 0, 196613, 1, 1, 262149, 1, 1, 393221, 1, 1, 393220, 65537, 1, 393219, 65537, 1, 393218, 65537, 1, 393217, 65537, 1, 393216, 65537, 1, 458751, 65537, 1, 458749, 65537, 1, 458748, 65537, 1, 458750, 65537, 1, 458746, 65537, 1, 458747, 65537, 1, 393210, 65537, 1, 327674, 65537, 1, 262138, 65537, 1, 262139, 65537, 1, 196603, 65537, 1, 131067, 65537, 1, 65531, 65537, 1, 65530, 65537, 1, -6, 65537, 1, -65542, 65537, 1, -65541, 65537, 1, -131077, 65537, 1, -131078, 65537, 1, 131066, 65537, 1, 196602, 65537, 1, -196614, 65537, 1, -196613, 65537, 1, -196612, 65537, 1, -131076, 65537, 1, -65540, 65537, 1, -5, 65537, 1, 393211, 65537, 1, 393212, 65537, 1, 327675, 65537, 1, 262148, 65537, 1, 196610, 65537, 1, 262144, 65537, 1, 262147, 65537, 1, 262142, 65537, 1, 196606, 65537, 1, 65534, 65537, 1, -2, 65537, 1, -65538, 65537, 1, -131074, 65537, 1, -196610, 65537, 1, -196611, 65537, 1, -131075, 65537, 1, -65539, 65537, 1, -3, 65537, 1, 65533, 65537, 1, 131069, 65537, 1, 196605, 65537, 1, 262141, 65537, 1, 327676, 65537, 1, 262140, 65537, 1, 196604, 65537, 1, 131068, 65537, 1, 65532, 65537, 1, -4, 65537, 1, -196609, 65537, 1, -262144, 65537, 1, -262143, 65537, 1, -196607, 65537, 1, -196606, 65537, 1, -196605, 65537, 1, -131073, 65537, 1, -196608, 65537, 1, -196604, 1, 1, -262140, 1, 0, -262141, 65537, 1, -262142, 65537, 1, -262139, 65537, 0, -262138, 65537, 0, -262137, 131073, 0, -196601, 131073, 1, 131080, 65537, 1, -131064, 1, 2, -196600, 1, 1, -262136, 1, 1, -131063, 196609, 1, 131071, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 327685, 1, 1, 393214, 65537, 1, 393213, 65537, 1, 393215, 65537, 1, 327684, 65537, 1, 327683, 65537, 1, 327682, 65537, 1, 327681, 65537, 1, 327680, 65537, 1, 196612, 65537, 1, 196611, 65537, 1, 262146, 65537, 1, 262145, 65537, 1, 327679, 65537, 1, 327678, 65537, 1, 327677, 65537, 1, 196609, 65537, 1, 196608, 65537, 1, 262143, 65537, 1, 131070, 65537, 1, -131065, 131073, 1, 131079, 65537, 1, 196615, 65537, 1, 131078, 65537, 1, -393217, 65537, 1, -262150, 65537, 1, -327683, 65537, 1, -327682, 65537, 1, -393216, 65537, 1, -393215, 65537, 1, -393214, 65537, 1, -327681, 65537, 1, -262149, 65537, 1, -262148, 65537, 1, -393213, 65537, 1, -393212, 65537, 1, -327685, 65537, 1, -327684, 65537, 1, -327680, 65537, 1, -262145, 65537, 1, -262146, 65537, 1, -262147, 65537, 1, -327679, 65537, 1, -327677, 65537, 1, -327678, 65537, 1, -327676, 65537, 1, -327686, 65537, 1, 131084, 65537, 1, 131085, 65537, 1, 131086, 65537, 1, 131094, 65537, 1, -131048, 65537, 1, 65554, 65537, 1, 65553, 65537, 1, 131095, 65537, 1, -65512, 65537, 1, 24, 65537, 1, 65560, 65537, 1, 131096, 65537, 1, 196614, 65537, 1, 131081, 65537, 1, 131082, 65537, 1, 131083, 65537, 1, 131087, 65537, 1, 131088, 65537, 1, 131089, 65537, 1, 131090, 65537, 1, 131091, 65537, 1, 131092, 65537, 1, 131093, 65537, 1, 65552, 65537, 1, -65521, 65537, 1, -65522, 65537, 1, -65523, 65537, 0, -65524, 65537, 0)
layer_0/tile_data = PackedInt32Array(131073, 65537, 2, 131074, 65537, 2, 131075, 65537, 2, 131076, 65537, 2, 131077, 196609, 1, 131072, 65537, 2, 196607, 1, 2, 65535, 1, 1, -65537, 1, 0, -131072, 65537, 0, -131071, 65537, 0, -131070, 65537, 0, -131069, 65537, 0, -131068, 196609, 0, 196613, 1, 1, 262149, 1, 1, 393221, 1, 1, 393220, 65537, 1, 393219, 65537, 1, 393218, 65537, 1, 393217, 65537, 1, 393216, 65537, 1, 458751, 65537, 1, 458749, 65537, 1, 458748, 65537, 1, 458750, 65537, 1, 458746, 65537, 1, 458747, 65537, 1, 393210, 65537, 1, 327674, 65537, 1, 262138, 65537, 1, 262139, 65537, 1, 196603, 65537, 1, 131067, 65537, 1, 65531, 65537, 1, 65530, 65537, 1, -6, 65537, 1, -65542, 65537, 1, -65541, 65537, 1, -131077, 65537, 1, -131078, 65537, 1, 131066, 65537, 1, 196602, 65537, 1, -196614, 65537, 1, -196613, 65537, 1, -196612, 65537, 1, -131076, 65537, 1, -65540, 65537, 1, -5, 65537, 1, 393211, 65537, 1, 393212, 65537, 1, 327675, 65537, 1, 262148, 65537, 1, 196610, 65537, 1, 262144, 65537, 1, 262147, 65537, 1, 262142, 65537, 1, 196606, 65537, 1, 65534, 65537, 1, -2, 65537, 1, -65538, 65537, 1, -131074, 65537, 1, -196610, 65537, 1, -196611, 65537, 1, -131075, 65537, 1, -65539, 65537, 1, -3, 65537, 1, 65533, 65537, 1, 131069, 65537, 1, 196605, 65537, 1, 262141, 65537, 1, 327676, 65537, 1, 262140, 65537, 1, 196604, 65537, 1, 131068, 65537, 1, 65532, 65537, 1, -4, 65537, 1, -196609, 65537, 1, -262144, 65537, 1, -262143, 65537, 1, -196607, 65537, 1, -196606, 65537, 1, -196605, 65537, 1, -131073, 65537, 1, -196608, 65537, 1, -196604, 1, 1, -262140, 1, 0, -262141, 65537, 1, -262142, 65537, 1, -262139, 65537, 0, -262138, 65537, 0, -262137, 131073, 0, -196601, 131073, 1, 131080, 65537, 1, -131064, 1, 2, -196600, 1, 1, -262136, 1, 1, -131063, 196609, 1, 131071, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 327685, 1, 1, 393214, 65537, 1, 393213, 65537, 1, 393215, 65537, 1, 327684, 65537, 1, 327683, 65537, 1, 327682, 65537, 1, 327681, 65537, 1, 327680, 65537, 1, 196612, 65537, 1, 196611, 65537, 1, 262146, 65537, 1, 262145, 65537, 1, 327679, 65537, 1, 327678, 65537, 1, 327677, 65537, 1, 196609, 65537, 1, 196608, 65537, 1, 262143, 65537, 1, 131070, 65537, 1, -131065, 131073, 1, 131079, 65537, 1, 196615, 65537, 1, 131078, 65537, 1, -393217, 65537, 1, -262150, 65537, 1, -327683, 65537, 1, -327682, 65537, 1, -393216, 65537, 1, -393215, 65537, 1, -393214, 65537, 1, -327681, 65537, 1, -262149, 65537, 1, -262148, 65537, 1, -393213, 65537, 1, -393212, 65537, 1, -327685, 65537, 1, -327684, 65537, 1, -327680, 65537, 1, -262145, 65537, 1, -262146, 65537, 1, -262147, 65537, 1, -327679, 65537, 1, -327677, 65537, 1, -327678, 65537, 1, -327676, 65537, 1, -327686, 65537, 1, 131084, 65537, 1, 131085, 65537, 1, 131086, 65537, 1, 131094, 65537, 1, -131048, 65537, 1, 65554, 65537, 1, 65553, 65537, 1, 131095, 65537, 1, -65512, 65537, 1, 24, 65537, 1, 65560, 65537, 1, 131096, 65537, 1, 196614, 65537, 1, 131081, 65537, 1, 131082, 65537, 1, 131083, 65537, 1, 131087, 65537, 1, 131088, 65537, 1, 131089, 65537, 1, 131090, 65537, 1, 131091, 65537, 1, 131092, 65537, 1, 131093, 65537, 1, 65552, 65537, 1, -65522, 65537, 1, -65523, 65537, 0, -65524, 65537, 0)

[node name="Chest" parent="." index="2" instance=ExtResource("3_avhg6")]
position = Vector2(198, 24)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -60,5 +60,5 @@ position = Vector2(149, 18)
[node name="Bookworm" parent="." index="14" instance=ExtResource("4_t6w6d")]
position = Vector2(89, -23)

[node name="Player" parent="." index="14"]
[node name="Player" parent="." index="16"]
position = Vector2(17, 12)

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