A marking system is essential for aiding students aiming to achieve high marks. Accurate yet updated grades will allow students to have an overview of their work. The system should obtain data from other sources such as Web Submission to calculate their current overall grade based on assessment criteria.
The goal of this system is to allow students to view their assessments and feedback without visiting a number of different websites. We aim to primarily have integration with the Canvas API and allow for the importation and exportation of grades via spreadsheets.
This project will provide markers with a student marking system to upload and manage marks on a database that is available for student viewing. Students will also be allowed to see how well they performed compared to other students and be able to calculate their final grade based on predicted scores.
Ruby 2.6.5
First install the gem dependencies using bundle install
Ensure that the database is up to date with the seeds using rake db:drop db:create db:migrate db:seed
Finally launch the server using rails server
The server should be running on port 3000
Execute Cucumber tests using bundle exec cucumber
Execute RSPEC tests using bundle exec RSPEC
Change to the directory of the server, then run the following:
docker build . -t marqs_webapp
docker run -it -p 3000:3000 marqs_webapp