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Creates an EC2 key pair on AWS
Creates an EC2 key pair resource with the provided public key
module "aws_key_pair" {
source = "git::https://github.com/LaunchRack/terraform-aws-key-pair.git"
key_name = "tools_dev"
public_key = "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQD3F6tyPEFEzV0LX3X8BsXdMsQz1x2cEikKDEY0aIj41qgxMCP/iteneqXSIFZBp5vizPvaoIR3Um9xK7PGoW8giupGn+EPuxIA4cDM4vzOqOkiMPhz5XK0whEjkVzTo4+S0puvDZuwIsdiW9mxhJc7tgBNL0cYlWSYVkz4G/fslNfRPW5mYAM49f4fhtxPb5ok4Q2Lg9dPKVHO/Bgeu5woMc7RY0p1ej6D4CKFE6lymSDJpW0YHX/wqE9+cfEauh7xZcG0q9t2ta6F6fmX0agvpFyZo8aFbXeUBr7osSCJNgvavWbM/06niWrOvYX2xwWdhXmXSrbX8ZbabVohBK41 [email protected]"
tags = {
BusinessUnit = "tools"
Application = "cicd"
terraform init
terraform plan
# use -var-file=terraform.tfvars
if you plan to use a different file for the value overrides. See examples folder
terraform apply -auto-approve
# use -var-file=terraform.tfvars
if you plan to use a different file for the value overrides. See examples folder
Note: The
file will need to be created in the root directory with value overrides
Name | Version |
terraform | ~> 1.0 |
aws | ~> 4.0 |
local | ~> 2.0 |
null | ~> 3.0 |
Name | Version |
aws | ~> 4.0 |
Name | Type |
aws_key_pair.this | resource |
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
key_name | The name for the EC2 key pair. | string |
null |
yes |
public_key | The public key material. | string |
"" |
yes |
tags | A map of tags for the resources. | map(string) |
{} |
no |
Name | Description |
key_pair_fingerprint | The MD5 public key fingerprint. |
key_pair_name | The EC2 key pair name. |
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