Project for CSCI491 - Software Engineering Applications at MSU
##CrossTxClient - This project is the actual app
###Configurations Folder This folder contains the code for getting and setting configurations which are stored under Properties.Settings ###DB Folder This folder contains all the code for interacting with our local SQL data base. This includes creating tables, queuries, etc. ###Resources Folder This folder contains all the embedded project resources such as images, frequently used strings, etc.
###Services Folder This folder contains all the code for running the automatic update services.
###UIControllers This folder contains all of the controller code for interacting with the UI. This code is responsible for passing information to the Configurations and the Update API
###UpdateAPI Folder This folder contains all of the code for downloading files and rerouting them to the DB module.
##CrossTxClient.Testing - This is the unit testing project for the app
For each of the modules listed above there is a dedicated folder in the unit testing project in which all tests written for a particular component should correspond to.