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kollil committed Jan 8, 2025
1 parent 02e52b9 commit 0961a2b
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Showing 2 changed files with 100 additions and 46 deletions.
143 changes: 97 additions & 46 deletions sla/resources/schemas/dbscripts/sqlserver/sla-23.002-23.003.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ CREATE TABLE sla.TempWeaning (
sex varchar(100),
strain varchar (200),
numAlive INTEGER,
dateofTransfer DATETIME,
created DATETIME

Expand All @@ -65,9 +66,10 @@ CREATE PROCEDURE [onprc_ehr].[SLAWeaningDataTransfer]

@WCount Int,
@WCount Int,
@project varchar(100),
@center_project int,
@center_project2 int,
@PI varchar(250),
@investigaorid int,
@vendorlocation varchar(250),
Expand All @@ -84,85 +86,134 @@ DECLARE
@purchaseId entityid,
@ageindays int,
@counter int,
@counter2 int,
@weaning_rowid int,
@RequestedArrivalDate smalldatetime,
@ExpectedArrivalDate smalldatetime,
@slaDOB smalldatetime,
@numAnimalsOrdered int
@numAnimalsOrdered int,
@DOT smalldatetime

--Check if any rodents age is 21 days and above and not transferred into SLA tables
Select @WCount = COUNT(*) From sla.weaning
Where numAlive > 0 And dateofTransfer is null And DateDiff(dd, date, GETDATE()) >= 21
Select @WCount = COUNT(*) From sla.weaning
Where numAlive > 0 And dateofTransfer is null And DateDiff(dd, date, GETDATE()) >= 21

--Found entries, so, insert those records into SLA.purchase and SLA.purchasedetails tables
If @WCount > 0
--Found entries, so, insert those records into SLA.purchase and SLA.purchasedetails tables
If @WCount > 0 -- start BIG If
--Delete the rows from temp table before loading new data
--Delete the rows from temp table before loading new data
TRUNCATE TABLE sla.TempWeaning

--Move the weaning entries into a temp table
INSERT INTO sla.TempWeaning (weaning_rowid, investigator, date, project, vendorlocation, DOB, DOM, species, sex, strain, numAlive, created)
--Move the weaning entries into a temp table
INSERT INTO sla.TempWeaning (weaning_rowid, investigator, date, project, vendorlocation, DOB, DOM, species, sex, strain, numAlive, created)
Select rowid, investigator, date, project, vendorlocation, date, DOM, species,
WHEN sex = 'F' THEN 'Female'
WHEN sex = 'M' THEN 'Male'
ELSE 'Male or Female'
END AS sex,
strain, numAlive, GETDATE() From sla.weaning
Where numAlive > 0 And dateofTransfer is null And DateDiff(dd, date, GETDATE()) >= 21
strain, numAlive, GETDATE() From sla.weaning
Where numAlive > 0 And dateofTransfer is null And DateDiff(dd, date, GETDATE()) >= 21

--Set the counter
--Set the counter seed value
Select top 1 @counter = rowid from sla.Tempweaning order by rowid asc

While @counter <= @WCount
WHILE @counter <= @WCount -- start 1st while
/* Requestorid - (Kati Marshall ) - 7B3F1ED1-4CD9-4D9A-AFF4-FE0618D49C4B
Userid - (Kati Marshall) - 1294
vendor - (ONPRC Weaning - SLA) - E1EE1B64-B7BE-1035-BFC4-5107380AE41E
Container - (SLA) - 4831D09C-4169-1034-BAD2-5107380A9819
created - (onprc-is) - 1003

-- Get projectid , PI and account
-- Get projectid, PI and account
Select @center_project = project, @alias = account From ehr.project Where name = (Select project From sla.TempWeaning Where rowid = @counter)

--Get the age of the rodent and weaning_rowid, species, sex, strain and vendorlocation
Select @ageindays = DateDiff(dd, date, GETDATE()),@weaning_rowid = weaning_rowid,
@species = species, @sex = sex, @strain = strain, @vendorlocation = vendorlocation,
@RequestedArrivalDate = DateAdd(dd, 21, date), @ExpectedArrivalDate = DateAdd(dd, 21, date),
@slaDOB = date, @numAnimalsOrdered = numAlive
@slaDOB = date, @numAnimalsOrdered = numAlive, @DOT = dateofTransfer
From sla.TempWeaning Where rowid = @counter

--Insert weaning data into sla.purchase table as a pending order
INSERT INTO sla.purchase
(project, account, requestorid, vendorid, hazardslist, dobrequired, comments, confirmationnum, housingconfirmed,
iacucconfirmed, requestdate, orderdate, orderedby, objectid, container, createdby, created, modifiedby, modified, DARComments, VendorContact)
Select @center_project, @alias ,'7B3F1ED1-4CD9-4D9A-AFF4-FE0618D49C4B','E1EE1B64-B7BE-1035-BFC4-5107380AE41E','',0,'',null,null,null,null,null,'',NEWID(),

--Get the newly created purchaseid from sla.purchase
Select top 1 @purchaseid = objectid From sla.purchase order by created desc

--Insert data into purchasedetails with the newly created purchaseid above
INSERT INTO sla.purchaseDetails
(purchaseid, species, age, weight, weight_units, gestation, gender, strain, room, animalsordered, animalsreceived, boxesquantity, costperanimal, shippingcost,
totalcost, housingInstructions, requestedarrivaldate, expectedarrivaldate, receiveddate, receivedby, cancelledby, datecancelled,
objectid, container, createdby, created, modifiedby, modified, sla_DOB, vendorLocation)
(@purchaseId, @species, CONVERT(VARCHAR, @ageindays) + ' days','','','', @sex, @strain, '',@numAnimalsOrdered,null,null,'','',

--Update the sla.weaning row with the date of transfer date set for the transferred weaning row
Update sla.weaning
Set dateofTransfer = GETDATE()
Where rowid = @weaning_rowid

-- Check if the row is already transfered into the main SLA tables. If DOT is null means the row hasn't been transferred yet.
If @DOT IS NULL -- start if, 1
--Insert weaning data into sla.purchase table as a pending order
INSERT INTO sla.purchase
(project, account, requestorid, vendorid, hazardslist, dobrequired, comments, confirmationnum, housingconfirmed,
iacucconfirmed, requestdate, orderdate, orderedby, objectid, container, createdby, created, modifiedby, modified, DARComments, VendorContact)
Select @center_project, @alias ,'7B3F1ED1-4CD9-4D9A-AFF4-FE0618D49C4B','E1EE1B64-B7BE-1035-BFC4-5107380AE41E','',0,'',null,null,null,null,null,'',NEWID(),

--Get the newly created purchaseid from sla.purchase
Select top 1 @purchaseid = objectid From sla.purchase order by created desc

--Insert data into purchasedetails with the newly created purchaseid above
INSERT INTO sla.purchaseDetails
(purchaseid, species, age, weight, weight_units, gestation, gender, strain, room, animalsordered, animalsreceived, boxesquantity, costperanimal, shippingcost,
totalcost, housingInstructions, requestedarrivaldate, expectedarrivaldate, receiveddate, receivedby, cancelledby, datecancelled,
objectid, container, createdby, created, modifiedby, modified, sla_DOB, vendorLocation)
(@purchaseId, @species, CONVERT(VARCHAR, @ageindays) + ' days','','','', @sex, @strain, '',@numAnimalsOrdered, null, null,'','',

--Update the sla.weaning row with the date of transfer date set for the transferred weaning row
Update sla.weaning
Set dateofTransfer = GETDATE()
Where rowid = @weaning_rowid

Update sla.TempWeaning
Set dateofTransfer = GETDATE()
Where rowid = @weaning_rowid

--Find if there are any rows with the same center project. Then create them under one purchaseId
--set the new counter
SET @counter2 = @counter + 1;

WHILE @counter2 <= @Wcount -- start 2nd while
--Get projectid of the next row
Select @center_project2 = project From ehr.project Where name = (Select project From sla.TempWeaning Where rowid = @counter2)

If (@center_project = @center_project2) -- start if, 2
Select @ageindays = DateDiff(dd, date, GETDATE()),@weaning_rowid = weaning_rowid,
@species = species, @sex = sex, @strain = strain, @vendorlocation = vendorlocation,
@RequestedArrivalDate = DateAdd(dd, 21, date), @ExpectedArrivalDate = DateAdd(dd, 21, date),
@slaDOB = date, @numAnimalsOrdered = numAlive, @DOT = dateofTransfer
From sla.TempWeaning Where rowid = @counter2

If @DOT IS NULL -- start if, 3
INSERT INTO sla.purchaseDetails
(purchaseid, species, age, weight, weight_units, gestation, gender, strain, room, animalsordered, animalsreceived, boxesquantity, costperanimal, shippingcost,
totalcost, housingInstructions, requestedarrivaldate, expectedarrivaldate, receiveddate, receivedby, cancelledby, datecancelled,
objectid, container, createdby, created, modifiedby, modified, sla_DOB, vendorLocation)
(@purchaseId, @species, CONVERT(VARCHAR, @ageindays) + ' days','','','',@sex,@strain, '',@numAnimalsOrdered,null,null,'','',

Update sla.weaning
Set dateofTransfer = GETDATE()
Where rowid = @weaning_rowid

Update sla.TempWeaning
Set dateofTransfer = GETDATE()
Where rowid = @weaning_rowid

End -- end if, 3
End -- end if, 2
SET @counter2 = @counter2 + 1;
END -- end, 2nd while
End -- end if, 1
SET @counter = @counter + 1;

End --End while
END -- end, 1st while
End -- end, BIG if

3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions sla/resources/schemas/sla.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -558,6 +558,9 @@
<column columnName="numAlive">
<columnTitle>Alive Pups</columnTitle>
<column columnName="dateofTransfer">
<columnTitle>Date of Transfer</columnTitle>
<column columnName="created" />
Expand Down

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