Code in this directory is for the MBR. It is the first-stage bootloader that is automatically loaded from the disk by the BIOS. It is responsible for loading the second-stage bootloader from the disk and calling it. This MBR will start executing code at the boot
The job of your MBR code is to (1) print out a welcome string, (2) read the first 50 or so sectors from the hard disk into memory at address 0x7E00 and then (3) jump to 0x7E00.
Your job is to write the following functions:
calls the BIOS to print a NULL-terminated string.readSector
calls the BIOS to load sectors from the hard drive.
You'll need a few programs to make this work. You can install them on Ubuntu with the command below:
user@system:~ sudo apt install nasm qemu-system-x86 make
The PC BIOS provides a bunch of low-level functions to make your job easier. It can print stuff to the screen, get input from the keyboard, read and write to the disks, play sounds, draw pixels on the screen, and lots of other stuff. These low-level functions are called drivers, and the details of how they're implemented are generally hardware-dependent---that is, they are different on different machines. For a complete list of BIOS functionality, search google for Ralph Brown's Interrupt List.
BIOS functions can be called by executing INT
instructions, which cause software-initiated interrupts. Executing an INT
instruction causes your program to call the BIOS, which executes some function based on the parameters you pass. Parameters are passed from your program to the BIOS in the CPU's registers. The BIOS different functions (printing characters to the screen, reading keyboard input, etc) depending on the values your program passes.
Probably the simplest BIOS call is requesting a keystroke from the keyboard. This call just hangs until the user presses a key, then it returns with the ASCII code for the keypress in register AL
. To call the Get Keystroke function in the BIOS, just put the value 0
in register AH
then execute an INT 0x16
mov ah,0
int 0x16 ; This instruction will hang until you press a key.
; After you press a key, it will return with AL = ASCII code
To print a character to the terminal, you have to pass a bit more information to the BIOS. The operation code 0x0E in register AH
tells the BIOS that we want to print a character. The ASCII code for the character to print goes in register AL
. Registers BH
and BL
get the BIOS page number and foreground color respectively. I've written an example function that prints the character A
to the terminal below.
Register | Meaning |
AH | Command: 0x0E |
AL | Char to write |
BH | Page Number |
BL | Foreground Color |
push bp ; prologue
mov bp,sp
mov ah, $0xe
mov bh,0 ; Page 0
mov bl,7 ; Foreground color 7 (gray)
mov al,'A' ; Char to print in AL
int 16 ; Call the BIOS
pop bp ; Epilogue
Reading from the disk can be a little challenging. We need to tell the BIOS (1) the disk read command, (2) where we want to read from on the disk, (3) where we want the data to go in memory, and (4) how much data to read. For (1), the disk read command 0x02 goes in register AH
. For (2), we need to specify a sector on the disk to read. The disk is addressed in cylinder, head, and sector numbers. We want to read from cylinder 0, sector 2 head 0. The first hard disk number is 0x80. For (3), we want to put the stage 1 bootloader immediately after the MBR in memory. The MBR lives at 0x7C00 and takes up 512 bytes (0x7C00 + 512 = 0x7C00 + 0x800 = 0x7E00). The data will be written to ES:BX
. For (4), we need to read as much data as is taken up by the stage 1 bootloader---50 sectors should be good. Finally, call the BIOS with INT 0x13
to initiate the disk read.
Register | Meaning |
AH | Command: 0x02 |
AL | Num sectors to read |
ES | Segment where data should be written |
BX | Offset into ES to write data |
CH | Low 8 bits of cyl num |
CL | Sector num |
DH | Head num |
DL | Drive num |
I have included some example code for you to reference. The file print_hex_16.asm
contains a function that prints an integer to the console. It calls the BIOS to print characters. The label do_print_hex
is where the actual printing takes place. Ralph Brown's Interrupt List has a detailed description of how the BIOS calls work. The high-level overview of calling the BIOS is that you need to set up the CPU registers with the right values to tell the BIOS what you want it to do and then run an int
instruction to actually call the BIOS.
You can test this function with the following code:
mov ax,0x1234
push ax
call print_hex_16
add ax,2
This should print 1234
to the terminal.
We can't just use any regular compiler to build the MBR because it runs in 16-bit mode. Most compilers and assemblers don't support 16-bit x86 mode anymore, so you will need nasm
, a 16-bit x86 assembler to build the MBR code:
make img
This will produce an MBR image called mbr.img
. To test the image in Qemu:
make run
If your program correctly loads the sector from the hard disk and runs it, it will print a message to the screen indicating that it is working correctly.
To debug with gdb
on qemu
you can do
make debug
Register | Meaning |
AX | 16-bit Integer Register |
BX | 16-bit Integer Register |
CX | 16-bit Integer Register |
DX | 16-bit Integer Register |
SI | 16-bit Pointer Register |
DI | 16-bit Pointer Register |
BP | Base Pointer (same as Frame Pointer) |
SP | Stack Pointer |
There are two kinds of registers in the 8086: integer registers and pointer registers. Integer registers AX, BX, CX, and DX hold 16-bit integers. Pointer registers SI and DI hold addresses.
mov ax,0x1234
[BITS 16]
mov si,var ; Get the address of var into register SI
mov word [si],1 ; change the variable's value to 1
hlt ; Halt the CPU
var: ; declare a variable called `var'
dw 0 ; Initial value of the variable is 0 (dw means declare word)
times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Skip to end of boot sector
db 0x55 ; Magic Numbers
db 0xaa ; To make disk bootable
The call
and ret
instructions are used to call and return from functions. call
pushes the return address onto the stack and jumps to the specified function. ret
pops the return address off of the stack and jumps back to that address.
[BITS 16]
call func ; Call function func
hlt ; Halt the CPU
push bp ; Prologue
mov bp,sp
; ... do some stuff ...
pop bp ; Epilogue
times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Skip to end of boot sector
db 0x55 ; Magic Numbers
db 0xaa ; To make disk bootable
[BITS 16]
mov ax,5 ; Initialize AX to 5
push ax ; Pass parameter on the stack
call add1 ; Call function add1
add sp,2 ; Clean up the stack
hlt ; Halt the CPU
; |----------------|
; | Parameter | <- BP+4
; |----------------|
; | Return Address | <- BP+2
; |----------------|
; | Caller's BP | <- SP,BP
; |----------------|
push bp ; Prologue
mov bp,sp
mov ax,[bp+4] ; Get input parameter off of stack
add ax,1 ; Add 1 to input parameter. Return value in AX
pop bp ; Epilogue
times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Skip to end of boot sector
db 0x55 ; Magic Numbers
db 0xaa ; To make disk bootable
In this exmple, we will write a loop to count the number of characters in a string. SI points to the beginning of the string. BX is the index into the string, and AL
[BITS 16]
mov si,str
mov bx,0 ; Initialize character count to 0
mov al,[si+bx] ; Get a character from the string into AL
cmp al,0 ; Compare to NULL terminator
je loop_done ; If we found a NULL terminator, we're done.
add bx,1 ; Otherwise increment character count
jmp loop ; And go get another char
db "testing",0
times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Skip to end of boot sector
db 0x55 ; Magic Numbers
db 0xaa ; To make disk bootable