Releases: LD-bit/tlea
Releases · LD-bit/tlea
v1.0.0 TLEa stable M.Sc. release
TLEa v1 (M.Sc. thesis)
Release 1, valid for the M.Sc. thesis submission and defense
Key features:
- 4 observation functions over three ground stations: IZN-1 (Tenerife), ESOC-1 (Darmstadt) and TU Graz UHF
- Comparison with (Labsir, 2020) method (from his PhD on Lie Groups)
- Sensitivity study of the evolution model (non conclusive)
Exp235 status:
- Tested on synthetic data on MATLAB R2023a
- Tested on OPS-SAT data (real data) -- first release of exp235 level