Upgraded FEIStyle (original):
- support for citation standard ISO-690 required by STU FEI, using biber
- support for glossaries package
- removed FEIstyle.bst (not needed)
- added Makefile
- improved contents of electronic medium example, added 2 commands to make it easy to write attachmentA.tex like files
Note: FEIstyle supports only UTF-8 encoding.
Change-log is located here.
Note: Minor changes are not noted in change-log.
- Download all files from repository, extract to desired folder and enjoy.
In following sub-chapters thesis
is your main thesis.tex
(in root folder).
Following chain should output thesis.pdf
$ pdflatex thesis
$ biber thesis
$ makeglossaries thesis
$ pdflatex thesis
$ pdflatex thesis #not a typo!
Note: see Hints and Trics section to get information on how to install letexmk
Following command runs necessary compile chain.
$ latexmk -pdf -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -silent thesis
Note: make sure to change file-name in Makefile on line #2
Build in .build
$ make
Clean .build
folder and delete PDF file in parent folder
$ make clean
Combine two commands above
$ make refresh
Read more on how to be even more efficient with latexmk && make.
Repository consists of ST3 project file which includes building your PDF using SUPER+b
Note: to enable building with short-cut
tools->Build System->FEI-LaTeX
You can also install LaTeXTools to make build / debug process even easier. File fei.sublime-project comes with settings set to build your documentation - just edit TEXroot
search terms:
- latexmk, CTAN, latex, tex, make, Makefile
humans whom you can ask:
editors and IDEs:
Afraid of losing your work? Use Git.
There is a variety of ways to count words and lines (characters are not so important) of compiled PDF file, and none is precise so we list a few and you can compare results yourself.
Using ps2ascii
$ ps2ascii thesis.pdf | wc -l -w -c
Using pdftotext
pdftotext thesis.pdf - | wc -l -w -c
Note: CZRP does word counting differently, for example my thesis using
method outputs 4288, 21031, 145198;pdftotext
method outputs 7051, 21377, 148535; CZRP word count is 14039 and character count 138687.
Counting words from source file (not recommended, since template does a lot of /include
ing and /input
texcount -inc thesis.tex
install MacTex distribution using homebrew (~2GB / 6GB installed)
$ brew cask install mactex
you can download MacTex manually from tug.org.
Note: MacTex installs also BibDesk which can be used to maintain your bibliography in a very nice way.
If you installed MacTex distribution you also have application called TeX Live Utility (it is a front-end for pkmgr
program) which is used to upgrade all TeX related packages, open it from time to time and do a full update.
- transform tutorial.pdf to wiki page
- update read-me to include usage for Windows OS users
Any contributions are welcome!