dotfiles directory, which contains my zsh configuration.
The plugin manager used is Antidote.
This is based off of mattmc3's zdotdir and Antidote's zdotdir repos.
Clone this repo:
git clone [email protected]:Kuruyia/zdotdir.git ~/.config/zsh
Change the ZDOTDIR
in the ~/.zshenv
This will overwrite your current ~/.zshenv
file. If needed, backup it somewhere else first.
cat << 'EOF' >| ~/.zshenv
export ZDOTDIR="$HOME/.config/zsh"
[[ -s "$ZDOTDIR/.zshenv" ]] && source "$ZDOTDIR/.zshenv"
Some tools need to be installed for this configuration to work properly.
On macOS:
brew install starship curlie bat eza
On Arch Linux:
pacman -S starship curlie bat eza
To update Antidote and its plugins, run:
antidote update
- Zephyr - Small Zsh framework
- color - Make terminal things more colorful
- completion - Load and initialize the built-in zsh completion system
- confd - Source conf.d like Fish
- directory - Set options and aliases related to the dirstack and filesystem
- editor - Override and fill in the gaps of the default keybinds
- history - Load and initilize the built-in zsh history system
- homebrew - Functionality for users of Homebrew
- prompt - Load and initialize the build-in zsh prompt system
- utility - Common shell utilities, aimed at making cross platform work less painful
- zfunctions - Lazy load functions dir like Fish
- zsh-completions - Additional completion definitions for Zsh
- fast-syntax-highlighting - Feature-rich syntax highlighting for ZSH
- zsh-autosuggestions - Fish-like autosuggestions for zsh
- zsh-autopair - Auto-close and delete matching delimiters in zsh