Tesseract Powered Windows Desktop OCR Application With Multiple Pre/Post Processing GUI
AmhOCR is an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) application for Windows Desktop. It is based on the latest Tesseract's v4.0/LSTM OCR engine which supports over 100 languages. However some post-processing tools, in AmhOCR, are applicable only for Amharic language.
Test Screenshot: Multi column newspaper image recognition, with image area embedding, spell checking(highlighted in red) and word level text editing.
- Support OCRing multiple image format: TIFF, JPEG, PNG, BMP and other image formats
- Import PDF as image
- Batch image import
- Flexible image view tool
- Pre-process image: de-skew, threshold and other image correction settings
- Process selected image
- Batch Process image with flexible management: pause, re-start and cancel
- Asynchronous and multithread processing for large batch size
- View and work on the processed text with similar format and layout as source input
- Post Process OCR output: Edit text and spell check
- Multi level editing: Paragraph level and word level edit.
- Convert OCR output: to MS word document, searchable PDF and text output
- Save and Open work as AmhOCR single file project, based on HOCR data structure
- NLP process: word list, word frequency, sentences list, word & character N-gram
- Extension tools for multipage TIFF: Merge and split
- Extension tools for PDF: Merge, split and convert to image
- Extension tools for image: Format conversion to different image format and conversion to PDF
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0
- GhostScriptSharp
- AForge Imaging
- iTextSharp
- Microsoft.Bcl.Async
- OpenXML SDK 2.5
- Visual studio 2015 and later
- Restore nuget packages