Welcome to the Docker Bangalore Meetup Community repo! This repo aims to centralize content (Meetup presentations, slides, recorded videos, etc) curated by the community members for the Docker Bangalore Meetup Community. The main objective is to help members of the Docker Bangalore Meetup community who share similar interests to learn from & collaborate with each other during events.
Meetup | Slides |
March 15 - Docker DevTools Day Bengaluru | Slides |
Jan 20 - Meetup #74 - Kubetools Day Bengaluru | Slides |
With around 13000+ community member, Docker Bangalore Meetup group is one of the largest Docker meetup group in India.
With a motto of "Learn, Collaborate & Dockerize!" you get chance to meet other developers and ops engineers in your community that are using and learning about Docker. Docker is an open platform that helps you build, ship and run applications anytime and anywhere. Developers use Docker to modify code and to streamline application development, while operations gain support to quickly and flexibly respond to their changing needs. Docker ensures agility, portability and control for all your distributed apps.
Visit Docker Bangalore official Community Page for registering to the Community Page.
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๐ Workshop/Labs (Hands-On Practical Labs)
Title | Topics Covered | Labs |
Getting Started | Why, What & How about Docker?(slides) | - |
Docker for Beginner | Docker Image, Container, Dockerfile, Volumes, Networking | 40 |
Docker for Intermediate | Docker Compose, Swarm, Advanced Networking | 50 |
Docker for Advanced | Docker Security, Content Trust, Image Scanning, Swarm Mode Security | 31 |
Docker Desktop | Docker Dashboard, Dev Environments, Extensions | 5 |
- Running Hello World Example
- Working with Docker Image
- Saving Images and Containers as Tar Files for Sharing
- Building Your First Alpine Docker Image and Push it to DockerHub
- What is Dockerfile
- Understanding Layering Concept with Dockerfile
- Creating Docker Image with
- Lab #1: Installing GIT
- Lab #2: ADD instruction
- Lab #3: COPY instruction
- Lab #4: CMD instruction
- Lab #5: ENTRYPOINT instruction
- Lab #6: WORKDIR instruction
- Lab #7: RUN instruction
- Lab #8: ARG instruction
- Lab #9: ENV instruction
- Lab #10: VOLUME instruction
- Lab #11: EXPOSE instruction
- Lab #12: LABEL instruction
- Lab #13: ONBUILD instruction
- Lab #14: HEALTHCHECK instruction
- Lab #15: SHELL instruction
- Lab #16: Entrypoint Vs RUN
- Lab #17: USER instruction
- Lab #1: Installing GIT
- Writing Dockerfile with Hello Python Script Added
- Managing volumes through Docker CLI
- Creating Volume Mount from docker run command & sharing same Volume Mounts among multiple containers
- The docker network Command
- Lab #1: Listing the Networks
- Lab #2: Inspecting a Network
- Lab #3: List network driver plugins
- Lab #4: Docker Bridge Networking
How to Install Docker Compose?
- Lab #1:
Command - Lab #2:
Command - Lab #3:
Command - Lab #4:
Command - Lab #5:
Command - Lab #6:
Command - Lab #7:
Command - Lab #8:
Command - Lab #9:
Command - Lab #10:
Command - Lab #11:
Command - Lab #12:
Command - Lab #13:
Command - Lab #14:
Command - Lab #15:
Command - Lab #16:
Command - Lab #17:
Command - Lab #18:
Command - Lab #19:
Command - Lab #20:
Command - Lab #21:
Command - Lab #22:
- Lab #1:
A Simple Wordpress Application running on Single Node using Docker Compose
- Creating 5-Node Docker Swarm Cluster
- Lab #1: Creating Overlay Network
- Lab #2: Deploy Services
- Lab #3: Inspecting Docker Swarm Service States
- Lab #4: Scaling Docker Swarm Services
- Lab #5: Deploy the application components as Docker services
- Lab #6: Drain a node and reschedule the containers
- Lab #7: Cleaning Up
- Lab #1: Docker Overlay Networking
- Lab #2: Create an overlay network
- Lab #3: Create a service
- Lab #4: Test Service Discovery
- Lab #5: Test Routing Mesh
- Lab #6: Test standalone containersinOverlayNetwork
- Lab01 - Pulling images by tag
- Lab02 - Pulling images by digest
- Lab03 - Docker Content Trust
- Lab04 - Official Images
- Lab05 - Extra for experts
- Lab06 - Enable Docker Content Trust
- Lab07 - Push & Sign an Image
- Lab08 - Cleaning Up
- Lab01- Create a Secret
- Lab02 - Manage Secrets
- Lab03 - Access the secret within an app
- Lab04 - Clean-up
- Lab01 - Create an encrypted overlay network
- Lab02 - List networks
- Lab03 - Deploy a service
- Lab04 - Clean-up
- Lab01 - Create a private Hub repo
- Lab02 - Pull an image
- Lab03 - Tag and push an image
- Lab04 - View scan results
- Lab05 - Clean-up
- Lab01- Create a new Swarm
- Lab02 - Add a new Manager
- Lab03 - Add a new Worker
- Lab04 - Rotate Join Keys
- Lab05 - View certificates
- Lab06 - Rotate certificates
- Docker for Beginners
- Docker for Intermediate
- Docker for Advanced
- Docker Cheatsheet
- Docker Certificate Associate Exam Preparation
- Docker Interview Questions
We recommend you to visit Docker Awesome Compose Repository in order to find the Compose files for running sample apps
Python/Django |
Docker + Django + PostgreSQL |
Python + Flask + Redis |
Reactjs |
React + Spring + MySQL |
React + Express + MySQL |
React + Express + MongoDB |
React + Rust + PostgreSQL |
React + Nginx |
Golang |
Go + NGINX + MySQL |
Go + NGINX + PostgreSQL |
Docker + Gomodule |
Java / Spring Boot |
Spring + PostgreSQL |
Java Spark + MySQL |
PostgreSQL |
Docker + Django + PostgreSQL |
MongoDB |
NGINX + Flask + MongoDB |
NodeJS + MongoDB |
Prometheus |
Docker + Prometheus Stack + Docker Swarm |
Elastic |
Docker + Elasticsearch + Logstash + Kibana + Docker Swarm |
Elasticsearch + Logstash + Kibana |
Apache JMeter |
Docker + Apache Jmeter + Docker Swarm Mode |
Docker + MacVLAN |
Docker + Docker Compose & IPv6 |
Docker Security |
Introduction to Docker Security |
Running Containers as ROOT |