Allows to download xls file from your Model or custom array
#Usage You have two options of using this plugin.
- Simple - just add button to your page.
- Custom - you can specify how, where and when to use it.
You have to use associative array or Model(don't fetch it) as source:
//custom array structure $m = array( array( 'field_one' =>'qwe', 'field_two' => 'asd'), array( 'field_one' =>'zxc', 'field_two' => 'cxz' ) array( 'field_one' =>'mmm', 'field_two' => 'jjj' ) );
You may specify custom properties otherwise it'll display defauld properties:
//Default properties are: $properties = array( 'creator' => 'ATK4 addon kk_xls', 'lastModifiedBy' => 'kk_xls', 'title' => 'ATK4 addon kk_xls', 'subject' => 'xls data', 'description' => 'This file has been generated via kk_xls addon for ATK4', 'keywords' => 'atk4, agiletoolkit, addons, kk_xls', 'category' => 'data' );
You may specify which filelds to display otherwise it'll display all fields:
$fields = array('field_one','field_one');
You may define width of columns:
$fields_width = array(15, 30, 10, 14, 12, 12, 15);
You may add TOTALs by specifying names of fields:
$count_totals = array('field_one');
$m = $this->add('Model_User');
'data' => $m //<<<<< Your array or Model
This will produce simple button.
$m = $this->add('Model_User');
$xls = $this->add('kk_xls/Controller_XLS');
$xls->getXLS($m, $properties, $fields, $fields_width, $count_totals);
This will generate a file.