Description: User will get eye position, gaze direction along with video of the environment in the runtime duration of the application using a HoloLens 2. languages:
- csharp
Supported device | Supported Unity versions | Built MRTK |
HoloLens 2 | unity 2021.3.6f1 | MRTK3 |
This repository uses following versions of tools
- HoloLens 2 with OS build minimum 20348.1537
- Unity 2021.3.6f1
- Visual Studio 2019 or higher
- Clone or download this repository and extract all folders.
- Open 'Unity Hub' and add click on 'Add project from disk' and locate the folder named 'EyeTrackingwithVideo-main' and add the project to your unity Hub.
- Open the project in Unity editor. This project is made in Unity 2021.3.6f1.
- Go to Unity editor and click on scenes folder and add 'sample scene' to 'Hierarchy' window.
- Go to 'Mixed Reality' tab in editor and click on Project --- Apply recommended project settings for HoloLens2.
- Click on File >>> Build settings >>> swith to UWP if it is not done before. Choose 'ARM 64-bit' architecture, visual studio version - 2019 or higher.
- Fill the device portal info and click on 'Build'and create a new folder to save the project output ( or you can save in any existing folder).
- Go to the folder where output file is saved. Deploy using Microsoft visual studio 2019 or higher.
- Launching this app in HoloLens and granting the gaze, microphone and camera permission in the dialog, the gaze framerate will be set to 90FPS and you will see 3 cubes and 1 cylinder following your gaze direction in 1.5 meter away.
- The green cube represents your left eye gaze.
- The red cube represents your right eye gaze.
- The cyan cube represents your combined eye gaze.
- The blue cylinder also represents your combined eye gaze but its coordinate is set related to the Unity camera GameObject.
- Close the application when you are done with data recording.
- Access the Device Portal of HoloLens2 and go to file explorer
- Follow the given below png image to access output files from this project.
- Download gaze_data in csv format and video in mp4 format. Video information : 2272 X 1278 pixels at 30FPS. Downloaded gaze_data will look like the image given below.
This project is built by taking reference from Microsoft Open Source Code.