This application is created to help in managing courses, tasks, notes and projects in general. Mainly by keeping track of deadlines, workhours put in and saving notes.
Note: You will need to have java 11 installed and environment set for it to operate properly.
Start the program by using the following command:
java -jar COSWindows.jar
java -jar COSLinux.jar
Note: below this line everything is generated to a "target" directory located in the run location. It will be generated after first run.
Create a jar file by using the following command:
mvn package
Start testing by using the following command:
mvn test
Get a report of the tests using the following command:
mvn test jacoco:report
Run checkstyle with the following commnad:
mvn jxr:jxr checkstyle:checkstyle
Generate java documentation with the following command:
mvn javadoc:javadoc