k8s specs for Icecast, mpd, ympd, sima - based on https://github.com/vitiMan/docker-music-stack
This class was initially built for the Software Freedom School. Greetz out to SFS, ASG, IT/NTL and RP!
- v1: minikube
- v2: AWS and DigitalOcean
Modifications have been made to the icecast
container for the purpose of configuring via environment variables.
To get started with this course, open the HTML file (AWS or DigitalOcean version) in your favorite browser. This is a single-file wiki doc using tiddlywiki. Links to tiddlers will open within the file, external links will open in a new tab/window.
There is a slide deck included as a visual guide - but it not necessary for anyone following along outside of a scheduled class.
Found a problem? Feel free to submit a PR ;)
Happy kube'ing!