- Ruby & Rails
- Make sure you have installed Ruby and Rails
- Otherwise it will not work properly
- MySql
- We are using MySql
- Please install that as well
- ImageMagick
- Our image uploader gem carrierwave depends on ImageMagick to resize images; uploading would not work if ImageMagick is not installed on your machine
- On Linux, run:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install imagemagick --fix-missing
- On Mac, download this installer created by Cactuslab, or simply run
brew install imagemagick
if Homebrew is installed on the machine.
- Developer Guide
- Please create a new branch any time modifying the code
- Unless being permitted to do so
Check out this Link for more information for setting up environment
$ \curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable # get RVM
$ rvm requirements # set up packages
$ rvm install 2.3.1 # install Ruby 2.3.1
$ gem install rails # install Rails
- Setting up Linux subsystem on Windows is strongly recommended; after you've done so, simply repeat the setup procedure for Linux
- If you run into
"Error: Command 'rails' not recognized"
during generating controller pages, try
$ bundle install --binstubs # re-setup bundle
$ bundle config --delete bin # Re-configure
$ rake rails:update:bin # version control
$ git add bin
Run this line of code in your Rails console first (notice: you can create whatever password you like for your root user)
AdminUser.new(:email => "[email protected]", :password => "up to you", :password_confirmation => "up to you").save(:validate => false)
In order to predefine a root user so that you can login to Kicks4Love Admin
with root user role.