between 13:41:00 to 18:50:00
- Run
yarn add
for node_modules - Add the respective
variables under the contract folder (can use my api keys below, just add your own private key)
Make sure to use version 16.17.1 of Node
- Under the FE folder: run
yarn dev
- For
testnet,hh node
is not needed - Current deployed contract:
- Get goerli faucet from
- For
Run hh test
Run hh test --network goerli
- 3 things to take note before running the above command:
- Contract should be deployed to goerli testnet
- Contract address should be added to Chainlink VRF (value randomiser) & subscriptionId in helper-hard-config needs to be changed
- Contract address should be added to Chainlink Upkeep (cronjob)