Passionate about technology and learning, I had contact with several technologies related to creation such as HTML and CSS3 and technologies related to Java Script, Python and Java programming, I am always looking for many challenges to prove that I have a good command of this area of technology related to development. I've participated in several minicourses and bootcamps, mentioning one of them which was Next Level Week # 2 organized by Rocketseat, I always try to improve and seek more and more knowledge to develop the best. Characteristics linked to the professional area, ease of adaptation in environments where there is teamwork, resilience with problems, commitment to past work, among other characteristics.
const Kawhan = {
pronouns: "he" | "him",
code: [Javascript, HTML, CSS],
askMeAbout: ["full stack dev", "tech", "crypto", "music", "coffee"],
technologies: {
frontEnd: {
Programming language: ['JavaScript'],
Technologies: ['HTML5', 'CSS3'],
Frameworks> ['ReactJS']
backEnd: {
Programming language: ['Java', 'Python', 'Golang'],
Technologies: ['RabbitMQ', 'Grafana', 'Heroku', 'Docker', 'nginx'],
Frameworks: ['Flask', 'Django', 'Spring boot'],
Queues: {'RabbitMQ'}
Desktop: {
Programming language: ['C++', 'C'],
Frameworks: ['QT']
Database: {'Mysql', 'PostgreSQL', 'SQL server'},
💼 Professional experience here
Projeto de extensão PIBIC UFPB - Saúde do trabalhador e a covid 19 - Volunteer Software Developer and Front End Developer Scholarship
- Projeto de pesquisa "A saúde dos trabalhadores da saúde no contexto da pandemia da covid-19: prevenção e cuidado" (UFPB/CNPq)
- Worker health and covid 19 Research project "The health of health workers in the context of the covid-19 pandemic: prevention and care" (UFPB/CNPq) Instagram:
Data-Driven Higher Education Institutions (UFPB PROJECT PIBIC)
- The general objective of this work plan is to investigate and analyze open data on basic education in Brazil in order to identify relevant information and relationships with higher education indicators.
The specific objectives involve:
• Identifying open databases of basic education in Brazil;
• Organize and select measures and dimensions for analysis of basic education that can provide relevant information in relation to higher education;
• Implement an analytical application based on Business Intelligence concepts;
• Analyze basic education data under different dimensions. -
Voluntary Apps4Society UFPB Project
- Apps4Society: Building apps that positively impact society. This project's main objective is to stimulate the development of applications that can positively impact society.
Software Developer in I.Systems
- Intern software developer During the internship at I Systems I learned several technologies on different fronts
During the front-end front, I focused on the front end of a product called Calix, a product that uses AI to plan demand, the number of Devs was around 6 to 12 in the team, during this period I had to develop product screens following what was planned by the design, in addition to adjusting the code to the best market practices and thinking about how to develop the pages using the best possible semantics. During this experience I learned to better manage my working time and how to manage feedback from the team, about technologies I learned concepts related to webdesign, html, css, js, angular and concepts related to object orientation, semantics of HTML pages, github ( gitflow), design and among other things related to front-end web.
During the back-end front, still in contact with Calix, but now focusing on API using Django, I had to deal with issues of complexity of algorithms, REST APIs, communication protocols (Networks), application performance, scalability, authentication and authorization, security, database and good coding practices, about technologies I learned python, SQL, concepts related to relational databases, docker, linux, bash, flask, django, concepts related to object orientation, API, Microservices, nginx , MYSQL, PostgreSQL, concepts related to ORM, HTTP, github and good practices in the back-end. At another time I had contact with another product that involved a messaging system using Golang and data analysis, during this period I had to deal with concurrency control, process automation using python and other solutions such as apache airflow, in addition to having contact with Grafana at that time.
During the desktop front, I dealt with a product called LEAF that automates the industry bringing the concept of industry 4.0, technologies I had contact C, C++, API, QT creator.
💻 GitHub Profile Stats
Note: Top languages is only a metric of the languages my public code consists of and doesn't reflect experience or skill level.