Releases: KaveIO/KaveToolbox
ParakeetParrot Release
Minor release:
- KTB parasite spark environment removed – it was not working well with the HDP Spark
- PyGSL is disabled by default – if you need it, you must use the script to enable it.
- Fix for git junk in the KTB archive.
OwlOstrich Release
Minor release:
Anaconda and ROOT versions upgraded to 4.4.0 and 6.10.04 respectively.
Docker containers can be found at
NighthawkNightingale Release
Minor release spark version upgrade and check for root build if anaconda is present in PATH
Docker containers can be found at
Jabiru Jacobin Release
Major release, moving to the Python 3 and Anaconda with several features and fixes, see release notes file.
KaveToolbox automatically installs Anaconda Python with a Python 3 environment.
Currently KTB installs Anaconda 4.1.1 with Python 3.5.2.
ROOT binaries were built against with version of python. Below is a summary of the key changes and challanges:
2/3 Compatibility
There were parts of the code which needed to be compatible with both version of python, as they were re-used during both installation and tests.
Tests were modified so they now work with and require python 3. An error message is displayed when 2 is used.
print statements/functions (and alike) were handled by switching to the Python 3 syntax and importing the _future_ module for use with Python2
module path/names - switching from relative to absolute paths when importing modules (if necessary).
string data types
Most of the work needed was due to the difference between default python2 and 3 behaviour when handling strings (acsii vs utf-8)
Most of the tests monitor stdout and stderr and perform string comparisons to determine the outcome.
Unit tests pass OK
Installed test return OK status
Local docker test report OK status
Base image moved from ubuntu:14.04 to ubuntu:16.04
Also manually tested on vanilla instances of CentOS7 and Ubuntu16 in:
Docker containers - official Centos and Ubuntu images
AWS official marketplace AMIs
KaveToolbox now installs ROOT through pre-compiled binaries (tar-ball from They are built against python 3.5.2, thus no more need to run additional scripts
KTB now has a dedicated spark component to build spark 2.1 locally. The component is enabled by default and is installed in both workstation and node modes. With python 3.5.2 at least basic sanity checks (checking exit status of "spark-shell --version" and "sparkR --version" ) We disable the component via when KTB is installed via ambari as the HDP2.6 stack already provides Spark 2.1
ROOT build (Pre built Binaries distributed)
InstallROOT script and ROOT installation optimized
kaveenv small fix for examplelambda integ test in KAVE
Users added to avoid loading default kaveenv for them
Users added to avoid loading default kaveenv for them. We need this change to run the tests for kavenagios integration test.
CairoSVG Release
This release is focused on adding cairosvg==1.0.22 to kavedefaults.
IconicIbis Release
See release notes.
2.1-Beta, GroovyGriffin Release
New release inkeeping with AmbariKave, see release notes
2.0-Beta, FuriousFox
Major Update, see the release notes for details