This assignment provides detailed instructions for developing a REST API with authentication and authorization of users through JWT (JSON Web Tokens). The described process includes creating models for users and contacts, implementing registration, login, logout, token verification, and retrieving user data.
- Registration
POST /api/users/register
Validate all mandatory fields (email and password). Return a validation error if validation fails.
On successful validation, create a user with the validated data. Use bcrypt or bcryptjs for password hashing.
If the email is already in use, return a Conflict error. Otherwise, return a successful response.
- Login
POST /api/users/login
Find the user by email and validate mandatory fields. Return a validation error if any fails.
Store the JWT in an HTTP Only Cookie.
- Logout
POST /api/users/logout
- Current User Data
GET /api/users/current
Implement pagination for the contacts collection
Implemented filtering of contacts by the favorite field
GET api/contacts?favorite=true
Allow updating the user's subscription
PATCH /users
subscription should be one of ['starter', 'pro', 'business'].
- Token Verification
Implement middleware for token verification and add it to all routes that need to be protected.
The middleware should take the token from the Authorization headers, verify it, and, if valid, retrieve the user's id from the token to find the user in the database. If the user exists and the token matches, proceed with the request.
Used multipart/form-data for file upload.
Updated the user's avatarURL field with the obtained URL.
- Updating user avatars
PATCH /api/users/avatars
Processed the uploaded avatar to resize it to 250x250 using the jimp
Saved the user's avatar with a unique name in the public/avatars folder.
This repository contains the second homework assignment for building a REST API for managing a contacts collection. The API supports CRUD operations on a simple contacts database stored in JSON format.
- List all contacts
GET /api/contacts
- Get a contact by ID
GET /api/contacts/:id
- Delete a contact
DELETE /api/contacts/:id
- Add a new contact
POST /api/contacts
- Update a contact
PUT /api/contacts/:id
- Update a contact
Added user email verification after registration using the SendGrid service.
You can use TempMail to check it out.
- After registration, the user receives a letter to the e-mail address specified during registration with a link to verify his email.
User will not be able to log in without email confirmation
After following the link in the received letter, for the first time, the user receives
status 200
Email confirmed successfully
After following the link again, the user receives an Error with the status
Email not found
Verification request
GET /users/verify/:verificationCode
Resend Verification request
POST /users/verify
Adding a resending email to the user with a link for verification
Use Postman to test the API endpoints by sending requests to