Software Engineering Website project was created to encourage education and teamwork in the software engineering industry. Meeting rooms, room availability management, user authentication, homework submission, and user customization are just a few of the features that this platform will provide to meet the needs of both teachers and students. This web application uses a web socket to communicate throughout the meeting. Fast API server on python to fetch user authentication data. Uses ZODB database to store website data and user information.
Software Engineering ALL-IN-ONE Website
- Click on user avatar
- Click on login
- For teacher: Username - 9001 ; Password - 1234
- For student: Username - 1100, 1101, 1102 ; Password - 1234
- Browse through features as you want
⚠️ ANY CHANGES OR UPLOADS WILL PERMANENTLY AFFECTED AND UPLOADED: Be very careful here! Do not upload any vulnerable informations
- You must have Python installed
- You must have uvicorn dependency installed
- Install uvicorn by run
pip install uvicorn
in your terminal
- You must have zodb dependency installed
- Install ZODB by run
pip install zodb
in your terminal
- You must have FastAPI dependency installed
- Install ZODB by run
pip install fastapi
in your terminal
- Clone this repository
git clone
- go to
cd FastAPI
- Run command
uvicorn main:app --reload
- Enter
in to your browser
- Kasitphoom Thowongs
- Phupa Denphatcharangkul
- Pitiphong Kitrueangphatchara
Meeting Rooms
- Create and manage virtual meeting rooms.
- Real-time video conferencing.
- Owner can customize room name, description.
- personal real-time canvas.
Room Availability
- Check room availability in real-time.
- Join their preferred room in real-time.
Basic Online meeting controls
- Microphone + Camera + Hand raise
Audio Video Devices selection
- Allow users to manage their input and output devices. User Authentication
- Secure login for students and teachers.
- User profiles with role-based access.
Homework Submissions
- Upload and submit homework assignments + File management for students and teachers.
- Grading mechanisms.
User Customization
- Customize user profiles with personal information.
Security and Privacy
- End-to-end encryption for private meetings.
- Reporting and moderation features for maintaining a safe environment.