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Call Verification Example Utilities

This project provides utilities to generate and verify JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) for a blockchain-enabled call verification flow similar to the STIR/SHAKEN initiative. It includes tools for creating ES256 key pairs, signing JWTs, and verifying them using the corresponding public keys. Note: ES256 is the JWT algorithm identifier for ECDSA using the P-256 curve with SHA-256.

Table of Contents


  • Node.js 22+ installed.
  • ts-node installed globally or as a development dependency.
    npm install -g ts-node
    Required Node.js packages:
    npm install

Scripts Overview

generate-key.ts: Generates a new ES256 key pair.

authorize.ts: Signs a JWT using a private key and saves it to a file.

verify.ts: Verifies a signed JWT using the corresponding public key. Commands

1. Generate Keys

Generate a new ES256 key pair:

ts-node generate-key.ts [--private <privateKeyFilename>] [--public <publicKeyFilename>]


  • A private key file: es256-private-key-{timestamp}.pem
  • A public key file: es256-public-key-{timestamp}.pem

2. Sign a JWT

Sign a JWT using a private key and save it to a file:

ts-node ./authorize.ts <e164 Orig TN> <e164 DestTN> <Call Orig ID> <privateKeyFile> <outputJwtFile>


  • <e164 Orig TN>: Originating e.164 phone number. The number to be verified.
  • <e164 DestTN>: Destination e.164 phone number.
  • <Call Orig ID>: Call Identifier (can be anything).
  • <privateKeyFile>: Path to the private key file for signing the JWT.
  • <outputJwtFile>: Path to save the signed JWT.


ts-node ./authorize.ts "+14317001005" "+15552223333" "abcdefg" ./es256-private-key.pem ./es256-signed.jwt


  • A signed JWT file: es256-signed.jwt

3. Verify a JWT

Verify a JWT using a public key:

ts-node ./verify.ts <jwtFile> <publicKeyFile>


  • <jwtFile>: Path to the signed JWT file. Defaults to es256-signed.jwt.
  • <publicKeyFile>: Path to the public key file. Defaults to es256-public-key.pem.
ts-node ./verify.ts es256-signed.jwt es256-public-key.pem


  • Decoded JWT contents (header, payload, and signature).
  • Verification result or failure message.

Workflow Example

Generate a Key Pair:

ts-node ./generate-key.ts
ts-node ./authorize.ts "+14317001068" es256-private-key.pem es256-signed.jwt
ts-node ./verify.ts es256-signed.jwt es256-public-key.pem

Additional JWT Verification Examples

Python Verification

Setup Environment

cd python
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install pyjwt cryptography


cd python
python ../es256-signed.jwt ../es256-public-key.pem

.NET Verification

Setup Environment

sudo snap install dotnet-sdk


cd dotnet
dotnet run ../es256-signed.jwt ../es256-public-key.pem

SUI Blockchain Integration

Keystore Registration

to create an instance of the keystore (you would do this per telecom). Need to update the .env file with the contract address after publishing

ts-node ./register-keystore.ts <publicKeyFile> <name> <creator> <imageUrl> <rawPrivateKey> 


ts-node ./register-keystore.ts ./public_key.pem "Keystore v1" "Karrier One" "" "BASE64+SUI+PRIVATE+KEY"

Lookup KNS Object ID from Phone Number

Development (testnet)

curl --location ''
--header 'x-api-key: testkey'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data '{ "phoneNumber": "+14317001068" }'

Production (mainnet)

curl --location ''
--header 'x-api-key: testkey'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data '{ "phoneNumber": "+13057650204" }'

Mapping a KNS ID to a certificate registry

Add an entry

ts-node ./map-kns-registry-add.ts <knsObjectId> <keyStoreObjectId> <rawPrivateKey>


ts-node ./map-kns-registry-add.ts 0x15169590b423866a9d4ff0ccc605a1408dcb11ecbf651981b8c2883fade76317 0x91f34cd71d99801292a16221a5498e3115a90d8cf1e3f2b9f9681564284b96e9 "BASE64+SUI+PRIVATE+KEY"

Update an entry

ts-node ./map-kns-registry-update.ts <knsObjectId> <keyStoreObjectId> <rawPrivateKey>


ts-node ./map-kns-registry-update.ts 0x15169590b423866a9d4ff0ccc605a1408dcb11ecbf651981b8c2883fade76317 0x91f34cd71d99801292a16221a5498e3115a90d8cf1e3f2b9f9681564284b96e9 "BASE64+SUI+PRIVATE+KEY"

Remove an entry

ts-node ./map-kns-registry-remove.ts <knsObjectId> <rawPrivateKey>


ts-node ./map-kns-registry-remove.ts 0x15169590b423866a9d4ff0ccc605a1408dcb11ecbf651981b8c2883fade76317 "BASE64+SUI+PRIVATE+KEY"

Dumping KNS ID to a certificate registry table

ts-node ./map-kns-registry-dump.ts

Lookup the public key for a phone number

  1. The KNS Rest API (authenticated) is use to get the KNS NFT ID for the phone number.
  2. The KNS NFT ID is used to get the Certificate Store ID(s) (via GraphQL) from the Sui blockchain.
  3. The Sui Json RPC API is used to get the Certificate Store(s) (from the Sui) blockchain and the public key(s) are retrieved
  4. Public key is matched and verified.


ts-node ./lookup-number-key.ts "+14317001078"
curl --location '' \
--header 'x-api-key: testkey' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
  "phoneNumber": "+14317001068"

    "objectId": "0xe8f55da072575d83ea17c6ee357edb344fa243aae071d552bdc4a7d69f740dec",
    "registries": []

Full JWT verification flow

Originating Server

ts-node ./authorize.ts "+14317001078" es256-private-key.pem es256-signed.jwt

Terminating Server

ts-node ./verify-full-flow.ts es256-signed.jwt
curl --location '' \
--header 'x-api-key: testkey' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
  "jwt": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6ImtleS1pZC0xMjM0In0.eyJvcmlnIjp7InRuIjoiKzE0MzE3MDAxMDc4In0sImRlc3QiOnsidG4iOiIrMTQ0NDU1NTY3ODkifSwiaWF0IjoxNzM3ODczNzk3LCJhdHQiOiJBIiwib3JpZ2lkIjoiYWJjZGVmMTIzNDU2In0.ENtZGi-PUDicDe7AxoHRhEQvrLWt7V_6RkAATR7gDYhIGxBJynUBddPOgc0qgkkX85nZBafeatAvE2zL2ZzK1Q",
    "success": true


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